Yes, I am pretty fed up with Facebook and "friends" as a whole right now. Tired of some who I thought were my friends constantly posting things such as "stop posting negative things, blah, blah, blah" without mentioning names…yet, they have told me in person I need to "lighten up". Funny, these are the same people who have been through 2 divorces while I have known them, always blaming the man and I was there and NEVER judged them (ps they are close to marriage number 5-6)…another who is both gay and of a different religion, people have not always supported them and yet there I was, always a friend, always willing to listen to the good and bad and supporting them while others walked away…another who divorced, her ex blames them for the attempted suicide of their child, they cheated on their spouse, everyone turned on them and yup, there I was listening to their sorrow without judging them…So I decide to say fine, I will stop any of my FB posts from reaching you and then they start questioning where the heck I have been…or why I AM SO MEAN and CRAZY and CRUEL to leave them out of the newsfeed…what?
Sorry, I just do NOT understand these people anymore. It breaks my heart to have spent so many years supporting people whom cannot possibly see the tremendous amount of pain I have had to deal with over the last few years…just amazing.
And I won't even get into those who are constantly talking about how "fake" people are, how they are your friends but NEVER take the time to call, write, etc. just to see how you are, but see no problem when they THEMSELVES do it…then when you take them off your newsfeed, once again, you are misinterpreting them and not being fair.
So yes, I get it. Hugs to you.