A couple of things happened this week that made me realize that it is characteristic of me to give unsolicited advice.
When I say "characteristic", I mean that I have been doing this all my life, but just now realized it is a trait of mine. Now I understand why, when I was bored in 5th grade and finished my work early, I walked around the classroom telling the other kids how to do their work. (Those kids enjoyed the help with their math, but the teacher didn't. )
It makes me wonder if I only noticed a few times I have done this, how many other times have I done this and not realized what I was doing...
I can understand why this could be one of the causes of my difficulties with friendships.
However, I have also found that my unsolicited advice brings many good results, and I have gotten thank-yous for it from time to time. Other times, even without a thank-you, I have seen demonstration that someone took my advice to heart or put it into practice.
I am not sure why I do it. Is it that I notice some small detail that another missed? Or do I see where the trajectory of something is heading and it doesn't look good to me, so I want to try and stop it before it happens?
I don't know what makes some people OK with it, while other people are offended.
The people who came back to thank me did admit that, at first, they were a bit put-off and offended by what I said, but then thought that if I was so willing to break social norms and say the outrageous thing that I did, maybe what I said really was that important. And it turned out, it was.
The thing is I didn't purposefully break social norms. But maybe being oblivious to social norms (by accident and by choice) allows me to be more daring in saying things people may not want to hear but need to?
I'm probably not going to stop giving unsolicited advice, though maybe I will try to become more judicious about it.
I was wondering if anyone else here also had this tendency.