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09 Mar 2015, 11:03 am

I am currently in between special interests. You know, the boredom you feel after you loose an interest but haven't find a new one yet. Suddenly I got a lot of free time yet everything I try to do is so boring...

I am thinking about going out and meting some people. I'm bored so going out is just as good as staying home and killing time in front of computer all day long. At least it seems so when I imagine it. Last time I tried going out I got a 3 days long headache afterwards so it may not be as good as it seems. But well, I will never know till I try. :lol:

The problem is I have no idea where to go and what to do.

Sometimes I go shopping after school and I consider it fun but just as a once-a-month or so activity because the shops in my city don't change their stocks often enough. Visiting them more often then every a few weeks is pointless.

I would go to a cinema but I consider it a waste of time and money if I can watch the movie more comfortable and for free on my own computer (cinema in my city is outdated, it airs movies a few months after their premiere).

I don't like pubs, bars and discos. They are too loud.

The swimming pool in my city is open only during summer. And I am afraid someone might steal my mobile phone when I am swimming because there is no locks there (you leave your stuff on grass around the pool, unguarded).

There is no activity clubs in my area, other than something similar to "the farmer’s wives’ association" (older woman dress in folkloric dresses and sing stupid songs) and the art club(I'm not into art). There used to be astronomy club but it's dead now.

I would go to a big city 50kms away but the ticket is quite expensive and I don't feel like going alone so far away.

I could met with my high school friend but last time I tried she answered after a week and we met after 3 weeks so she is not dependable as a hang out material.

Any ideas?

Also... one more problem. Stupid one, I know.
My parents already find it natural that I sit at home all day long (I was like that for past 7 years) and if I suddenly go out they will ask what happened, tell me I "finally grown up" and be overly happy while intimidating me at the same time. I don't know how to deal with them. I would rather stay home and change nothing than see their reaction. Rebel age, huh? "I want to go out but I won't do it because parents want me to do it." :lol:

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Mar 2015, 12:32 pm

Do you have a camera?

Even if you are not into art digital cameras are more like computers and the technical aspect sucks many into.

They are good excuse of going anywhere and behaving oddly. I'm sometimes like: "Sorry, I'm taking photos! (...And you don't get art!)" (Even though I don't get it either :wink: )

It's also an excuse for parents: "a group where I belong is taking photos of their place, so I have to" should be a good enough to keep them calm??



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09 Mar 2015, 3:37 pm

I don't have camera but I have a mobile phone. It is always with me and I often take photos of clouds and sky (I'm interested in thunderstorms and meteorology), funny things (such as "one way" road sign - pointed at a wall :D) and animals. And I actually have been laughed at because of that by some brats. I was taking photos of a group of birds preparing for their winter leave and the kids yelled to each other "Hey, look. She is taking photos! Hahaha." I have no idea what I was doing wrong but it was humilating - being laughed at by a group of 10 year old brats. I don't care about their opinion but it did hurt me. Kids are mean.


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09 Mar 2015, 5:01 pm

I think a crafts kind of club would be ideal for you. We have something called the "4H Club" here in the US which teaches farming and other skills.

I wonder if they have something like that in Poland.

Or maybe you could be a Girl Scout leader. You could teach girls practical skills. I'm pretty sure they have Girl Scouts in Poland

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Mar 2015, 5:42 pm

IMO, a camera is better because it looks more 'professional'. As if some serious photographic activity was going on. Passer-bys respect cameras more than mobile phones. And cameras have more settings to play with. I like to tweak white balance for weird effects.

Flickr is still good for photo profiles and sharing and sort of communicating with ppl. Sometimes Flickr groups have photo walks which can be nice because there is no compulsion to talk if one doesn't want to - you see, one can't talk and take photos at the same time.

Yeah, kids are mean because they laugh at anything they can't get.

A while ago I was wearing a then-fashionable jumpsuit and a kid went: "Look! This girl is wearing pajamas (on street)! !! Hahaha!! !" … ?! … Poor kid, had never seen a jumpsuit before, I assume … And it did feel humiliating :? .

Next time anyone laughs or comments, took a photo of them too (and smile to them and ask for their name. Note it down. If this is not enough tell them you're going to send the photo to their mommy!) :D


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09 Mar 2015, 6:09 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I think a crafts kind of club would be ideal for you. We have something called the "4H Club" here in the US which teaches farming and other skills.

I wonder if they have something like that in Poland.

Or maybe you could be a Girl Scout leader. You could teach girls practical skills. I'm pretty sure they have Girl Scouts in Poland

Thanks for ideas.

As I said there is not many clubs to choose from. I did some research and all I found is the folkloric club, theater group, dancing club, singing club, art club(painting), art club (pots making), philately club, joga club, running club, nordic walking club, senior club and photography club.

I could potentially be interested in the last one but my dad is in it and I am already sick of it. He shows me his photos all the time asking for my opinion and I only like photos I took myself as a part of my collection and I am not interested in his boring photos he takes. Yet I cannot tell I don't like his photos because then he asks me what I don't like it and I can't describe it. So I have to lie: "Yeah, beautiful." since its the only way to get rid of him.

My photos are in a few specific subject areas: thunderstorms, clouds, astronomy, funny things, animals and show real situations, just as it looked in reality. His photos are random and focused on technical and artistic values. He shows me a picture of a tree and asks "how do you like the colors? Do you like this photo?", as if I care. The worst thing is he makes the photos blurry and when I point it out he says it is "a professional way of taking photos because they have deep and only the thing in focus should be sharp". As if... When I look around I see tree, road, a building, the sky, other trees, grass and even junk on ground. Not just a tree surrounded by artificial fog!

It would only get worse if I were forced to give opinion to more guys his age about their lame photos.

BTW: We do have a expensive professional camera at home but dad won't let me take it outside because it is his treasure. I even have trouble taking photos using it because he says I will "destroy the image sensor by taking too many photos". Honestly... it can't be helped. If I want to catch a lightning or a meteor I have to take a lot of photos in short time...

About scouts - nothing like that in my area as long as I know. And I am too old for scouts anyway.

Last edited by Kiriae on 09 Mar 2015, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Mar 2015, 6:16 pm

Of course you're too old for Scouts! LOL

I mean...a Scout Leader. You could lead a troop of Girl Scouts, or be an assistant to a troop leader.


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09 Mar 2015, 6:18 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Of course you're too old for Scouts! LOL

I mean...a Scout Leader. You could lead a troop of Girl Scouts, or be an assistant to a troop leader.

I don't have educational level for that. You need to have specific education to take care of kids.


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09 Mar 2015, 6:21 pm

I didn't know that. Are you sure about that?

In the US, you don't need any sort of "qualifications" to be a Scout Leader. All you need to do is to like kids. And not have a criminal record.


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09 Mar 2015, 6:26 pm

Kiriae wrote:
The problem is I have no idea where to go and what to do.

Sometimes I go shopping after school and I consider it fun but just as a once-a-month or so activity because the shops in my city don't change their stocks often enough. Visiting them more often then every a few weeks is pointless.
Any ideas?

My 'go out' thing to do is to find and try out unusual restaurants and foods. Not only is it fun, requires research and broadens one's palate, it is also a great way to find special places to take friends or loved ones and wow them with food they've never heard of.

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Mar 2015, 6:58 pm

Kiriae wrote:
specific subject areas: thunderstorms, clouds, astronomy, funny things, animals and show real situations, just as it looked in reality

Stuff like:

Sounds like you do need to find your tribe.

So …. er … study meteorology perhaps??

Studying is always a good way to get out, even if you're not too serious about it. Because it sort of forces you to do something and meet ppl etc. I think it's actually, much easier to study if one doesn't really care about studying. Less stress.

Kiriae wrote:
I will "destroy the image sensor by taking too many photos"

Oh, yeah, if anyone thinks taking too many photos could destroy image sensor …. :roll: Sounds like you're right to steer clear from that! :D

Last edited by f9 on 09 Mar 2015, 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Mar 2015, 7:02 pm

Dantac wrote:
My 'go out' thing to do is to find and try out unusual restaurants and foods. Not only is it fun, requires research and broadens one's palate, it is also a great way to find special places to take friends or loved ones and wow them with food they've never heard of.

That sounds good. But I have to find some other thing, not restaurants or bars. I feel out of place in those full of people places that smell of pizza and where the only things I can drink - plain gas water - costs 3x as much as in the Grocery Shop next door and where you can't drink your own water - you have to buy one of theirs even if you have a full bottle in your backpack. There is so many rules. I don't know if I should go to a counter or wait for the waiter? Do I take the receipt or leave it on counter? Is it really OK to eat before paying? I didn't pay yet so in my opinion it's not my food yet. It feels weird. How do I call the waiter? How does everyone know I paid? Should I leave some more money or just as the bill says? It's expensive anyway! And BTW... I leave the money on the table and just leave? It sounds stupid. Everyone can take the money and noone knows if I left enough... That's so uncertain... I can't understand restaurant rules at all.


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09 Mar 2015, 7:20 pm

Don't they have specialized clubs at your university? I recall that you are taking classes. Maybe you could talk to some fellow students about what THEY do with their free time.

I think most people aren't stupid enough to try to "get in your pants." I think most college students are thinking about their studies, rather than how to get a girl in bed.


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10 Mar 2015, 3:31 am

Kiriae wrote:
I will "destroy the image sensor by taking too many photos"

Now that's just silly, *shakes head* I mean, you might as well say using a laptop too much will "destroy the RAM". He's likely just using it as an excuse to keep the camera to himself or something.

About your problem of not knowing how to get out, I'm more or less in the same boat, dunno what to do really.


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10 Mar 2015, 6:46 am

f9 wrote:
So …. er … study meteorology perhaps??

Studying is always a good way to get out, even if you're not too serious about it. Because it sort of forces you to do something and meet ppl etc. I think it's actually, much easier to study if one doesn't really care about studying. Less stress.

I study IT. I met some people that way but our contacts are limited to school.
And no, I am unable to not care about studying when I attend a school. I hate being wrong or losing to anyone so I try my best to know as much as I can to avoid situation where I am asked a question and I don't know the answer. I just hate the feeling of not knowing the answer.

kraftiekortie wrote:
Don't they have specialized clubs at your university? I recall that you are taking classes. Maybe you could talk to some fellow students about what THEY do with their free time.

That made me laugh.
I do study but it's not university nor college. It's some kind of cram school that prepare us for government exams. There is a bunch of different classes (IT, administration, construction, baking, hairstylist, beautician, nurse etc.) and each of them contains +/- 10 people that just come there to cram during weekends. There is not enough people at school (about 100 if you sum all classes) for clubs to exist. And most of the people have jobs/second schools during normal weekdays.

Pileated woodpecker
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10 Mar 2015, 9:28 am

IT sounds cool :) And the situation sounds difficult indeed :)

Now this is totally out of blue but … You said there is a yoga group.

Good thing about yoga people is they are openminded and inclusive enough that even if you walked in and said: "Sorry, I don't think I have much interest in yoga. But I'm bored a the moment and thought to just come and try it." they'd still welcome you.

It's useful activity if you have a tendency to be very competitive because all forms of it are non-competitive.

It depends what type of yoga they do though, there are any styles form high impact athletics to lying around on bolsters …
Athletics ones are 'ashtanga' 'vinyasa' 'jivamukti' for example; lying around are 'restorative' 'yin' 'yoganidra'. Everything else is in between.

And some do not do exercise at all but meditate and or chant (I have a problem with the last one, too emotional and loud for me. 'kundalini yoga' is an example of chanting style, 'sahaji' does some meditation only, as far as I know)

You may absolutely dislike it, or you may think it's fine but not for you, or you might actually like it.
Either ways, maybe it's worth showing up once and see if it's of any interest??

(I do ISHTA yoga and it's cool, just about right for me. They do a bit of exercise and a bit of meditation.
I find it gives me a good reason to get out, have some socializing but not too much, balances my mind and is sometimes fun too. Some people claim it has life-changing effects … don't know about that, though. :D )