How come it's socially appropriate to blow your nose in public, even in places like restaurants or supermarkets, but it is socially inappropriate to clean your ears in public? The sound of somebody blowing their nose makes me feel really sick, where as seeing somebody dab some cotton wool or a cotton bud in their ear does not bother me at all. Once I was itching my ear with my finger in a shop, and my dad said ''go to the toilets and do that - it's not the done thing to do here!'' But if I stood there blowing snot out of my nose into a tissue or itching or wiping my nose with either my hand or a tissue, it would be acceptable? I've even seen somebody's snot show when they were blowing their nose, even though they had a tissue, but it was still OK, nobody reacted. But if that was a bit of earwax or something, it would be ''unacceptable''.
How come?