Do your friends tend to be older people?

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16 Mar 2015, 5:48 pm

On PS4 I've had 2 friends my age leave me since I upset person 1 who went and cussed out another chat party and person 2 (his sister) didn't like him being upset so TWO GONE!

3rd a guy I traded my cell with and even sent a pic. (He wanted to see "What I looked like" UGH! clothes ok!) Well I was doing a 6 person mission and got 4 strangers + my friend he didn't join quick enough and the 4 strangers found a 5th player BOOM! 3rd guy not on my friends list (after trading cells and everything SHEESH!

4th a girl who gets High 24/7 while playing My 7 year old nephew joined a chat I got him off since I didn't want him on with F words and her (to be exposed to people like that.) I try to go back in the chat but it's gone and BOOM SHE'S OFF my Playstation list!

WOW! Feel defeated Lost 4 Playstation friends within a month!! !

Back to OP topic. I went to the game board to make new friends and someone said they were nice and repsectful and have a different view on life probably old enough to be my father. IMO FINE! Nice repsectfal NOT ASKING FOR MY CELL # or PIC! Not F word 24/7 OR GETTING HIGH SHEESH!

So oddly sadly I think even in my late 20's nearly 30 myself I have playstation friends old enough to be my father 50's and I sort of don't mind. Anyone relate? I want respectful people not sickos or bale on you or F word or getting High. Thanks.


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16 Mar 2015, 9:00 pm

Well....I'm pretty old now. Most of my friends are about my age.

When I was about 10 years old or so, though, there was a time when my "best friends" were the old ladies who sat on the benches in the park where us kids played.


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16 Mar 2015, 9:37 pm

never seemed to have any rapport with people my age. always older.

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18 Mar 2015, 7:22 am

Usually older. I find talking to people my age to be fairly stressful; it's not something I tend to do unless it's a particularly good day. More often I enjoy chatting to people who are old enough to be cynical bastards, because they aren't as likely to balk at my black sense of humor.


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18 Mar 2015, 10:16 am

When I was a kid(age 9-15, I had no friends before that, other than my grandma and mom) my best friends were kids 2-3 years younger than me + an old woman(school cleaning lady).

Right now I am not even sure if I have any friends. But if I do they are around my age.


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30 Mar 2015, 1:12 am

I don't know why, but I feel comfortable around people who are older than I am. Maybe it's because I don't know how to understand people, and it's expected that someone in their 20's and someone in their 60's would feel a bit different, anyway.

I've considered offering free community classes for older men and women around here who have retired (there are a lot) on basic computer maintenance or basic herb care. I think it would be fun to teach how to clean off a keyboard or monitor, or how to grow ginger and basil at home.

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30 Mar 2015, 2:33 am

The only real friend I have is almost twice my age at 48. Young people today are so rude and cruel, I just can't be around them.

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01 Apr 2015, 6:39 pm

Well, growing up until early high school I did not socialize much at all, but when my sister and brother (I'm the oldest) had friends over, I would always come hang out with them. I always really enjoyed it and I was almost seen as a second big brother to them. I got much closer to them than anyone I met on my own, at least until junior year of high school.

16-17 I learned to be a lot more outgoing, I started feeling a lot more comfortable with the class above mine and made some friends, while still hanging out with my sister and brother's friends.

Now I'm 21. A lot of my friends are either older than me by at least a couple months, or mature well beyond their years. When I get the chance to have a beer or something with someone in their 30's or 40's, I really value that.

My ex-girlfriend is 2 years younger than me, when I would go to her house and hang out with her and her friends it was OK. They were really nice but it usually involved drinking, drugs, etc which I wasn't particularly enjoying and I got to the point where I saw myself as above them - a feeling that I hate, but is probably best for me.

I guess that people older than me offer me more - I can learn from them, they can stimulate my intellect and appreciate mine, it feels more mature than just some playtime. I predicted from a young age that when I got older (20's, 30's, etc) life would be if not much easier for me, much more enjoyable. I've proven myself right so far.

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03 Apr 2015, 6:13 am

When I was in my teens and early twenties, I did the safe, comfortable thing which was to latch on to my parent's friends (usually other middle aged couples) instead of trying to form my own. As a kid, I never took any notice of what my peers would say, I didn't trust them, I only wanted to learn from an adult and do it the right way.

In my early twenties I began to really want friends my own age, mainly because I wanted an attractive girlfriend and access to more exciting social opportunities than what my parent's middle aged friends could offer. However I got so used to talking to older people that I become completely out of touch with my generation. I also think that older people, especially those with kids, understand how to communicate with someone who's a bit different, better than young people, as they have had to learn this and had to take more responsibility.

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07 Apr 2015, 10:50 pm

All the people I hang out with now are in their thirties or older. I usually feel more comfortable around them because they seem less likely to be competitive and judgmental than younger people.


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07 Apr 2015, 11:36 pm

can't say i understood OP's message totally :| though i agree that the older people i've met were mellower and stable, dependable in a way i couldn't squeeze out of my peers. why did your person 1 on PS4 cuss out the other chat party?

XJ220RACER wrote:
16-17 I learned to be a lot more outgoing, I started feeling a lot more comfortable with the class above mine and made some friends, while still hanging out with my sister and brother's friends.

this was mostly the case for me in junior high (year 7-8) and my earlier years in high school...freshman year i made quite good friends with a group of juniors and some other sophomores, via the group of juniors i met a girl (she was dating one of the guys at that time) who'd be my closest friend for...i dunno, next two years? that girl and the group of juniors drifted apart when she broke up with that guy, but i still spent time with both of them, until they graduated, then now i only very occasionally see one of them. i later split from the girl.

i was mostly associating with the above classes, yes, but now that i'm above all else 8O i became kinda stuck, and was left alone since i had not connected with those my own age and it really hit me then. there is hope :P , i get along with one two years younger than me, she's one of the very few that take the initiative to send me a message, without me doing it and waiting for a response. i agree with gigstalksguy that i agree it's caused me to become a bit out of touch with my own generation.

not only have they been predominantly older...but female too. though that is changing recently..

in primary school i also got along with the teachers better then my own kind, was never into the playground games and was often criticized by them for 'reading during inappropriate times'. it was more frustrating then since they wouldn't take a kid like that, and his topics of conversation as seriously in rapport as they'd probably take a high school senior like me, now since we're on more even ground. i always found communication through text much easier and i consider myself to be much more coherent and verbose though that channel, but until i manage to ask then for something like a phone # or other such thing, i'm stuck with the facial and, i don't think i appear any older in phone(tics).

many of my friends on this very site are older then me too.

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08 Apr 2015, 12:01 am

I guess I was really close to my grandma and considered her a friend but that's family so that's different but when I was younger I probably tended to be friends with kids younger than me if anything. At this point however I've pretty much extinguished all my social capital sadly, so I don't tend to be friends with anyone. Even online where I feel like I had a pretty rich online social life I guess you could say just isn't the same, people just don't seem like or really want to interact with me I don't know why but I guess that's my fault for not being interesting or outgoing enough. A lot my time online now is just pressing f5 over and over just being bored.

I wish came to the realizations that I've had over the last couple years back when I was like 12 or something and things could be different, I feel like everybody else was at the place I just got to way younger. I have a hard time seeing things change, I'm a person that day dreams a lot of "XYZ and I live happily ever" but that seems to becoming more and more of a fantasy. I'm still pretty young I guess but so is everyone at one point.


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08 Apr 2015, 3:38 am

most my friends have tended to be younger. I do have 2 friends who are older though. one met through airsoft team, other in college.

what do you play on ps4? I'd like to have friends to play with :(


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08 Apr 2015, 12:37 pm

Nah I'm actually shy when interacting with people older than me, I do have some older family members that I enjoy being with but all my friends are the same age as I am, I interact with people younger than me but we're not 'friends'.


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09 Apr 2015, 5:59 pm

Zajie wrote:
I do have some older family members that I enjoy being with..

they live rather far away and we don't get together like we used to, but i appreciate my older cousins also.

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09 Apr 2015, 9:02 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
Zajie wrote:
I do have some older family members that I enjoy being with..

they live rather far away and we don't get together like we used to, but i appreciate my older cousins also.

Most my family doesn't live very far but there's too much drama so no one really gets along with the other those days but when I was younger there was less of this drama and family used to have close ties between each other, I remember I used to be very close to a cousin older than me whom I don't even interact with now lol, I used to also get along to many other cousins older than me too, there's one older cousin that I still see from time to time and we get along well, coming to aunts and uncles I'm shy when it comes to them.