can't say i understood OP's message totally though i agree that the older people i've met were mellower and stable, dependable in a way i couldn't squeeze out of my peers. why did your person 1 on PS4 cuss out the other chat party?
XJ220RACER wrote:
16-17 I learned to be a lot more outgoing, I started feeling a lot more comfortable with the class above mine and made some friends, while still hanging out with my sister and brother's friends.
this was mostly the case for me in junior high (year 7-8) and my earlier years in high school...freshman year i made quite good friends with a group of juniors and some other sophomores, via the group of juniors i met a girl (she was dating one of the guys at that time) who'd be my closest friend for...i dunno, next two years? that girl and the group of juniors drifted apart when she broke up with that guy, but i still spent time with both of them, until they graduated, then now i only very occasionally see
one of them. i later split from the girl.
i was mostly associating with the above classes, yes, but now that i'm above all else
i became kinda stuck, and was left alone since i had not connected with those my own age and it really hit me then. there is hope
, i get along with one two years younger than me, she's one of the very few that take the initiative to send me a message, without me doing it and waiting for a response. i agree with gigstalksguy that i agree it's caused me to become a bit out of touch with my own generation.
not only have they been predominantly older...but female too. though that is changing recently..
in primary school i also got along with the teachers better then my own kind, was never into the playground games and was often criticized by them for 'reading during inappropriate times'. it was more frustrating then since they wouldn't take a kid like that, and his topics of conversation as seriously in rapport as they'd probably take a high school senior like me, now since we're on more even ground. i always found communication through text much easier and i consider myself to be much more coherent and verbose though that channel, but until i manage to ask then for something like a phone # or other such thing, i'm stuck with the facial and, i don't think i appear any older in phone(tics).
many of my friends on this very site are older then me too.
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