I feel like I'm not up to par socially. Despite being extremely proficient in my vocabulary, and my ability to articulate, I feel completely at a loss socially. I also, like many of us, find it hard to separate my own rationalizations of myself and compensations, to accurately get an objective assessment of my skills, attributes and abilities. I was having a conversation with a man at a Starbucks today, and something very odd happened. First we were discussing diet and evolution and what the gut can process, then I had a book on Freemasonry that I'm reading, and it was out on the table. I asked him if he's ever read anything about it or been into it. He said no, and seemed strange about it, like as if it were something he regarded as "okay, whatever". But then he asked me, "what can you tell me about it." ...looking back on it rather blithely, and possibly just to humor me, but I was interested and eager and so I started in on his question...explained some things that I know, that I'd think would be interesting to most people. This guy apparently seemed to balk at what I was saying, awkwardly lifting his drink up, and then after some time saying "I hate to interrupt our conversation, but I have to go wash this (drink) off my hands. And abruptly left. The message was clear, and, I took the hint.
I should remark that this gentleman was older and is one of those 'regulars' oddball but benign types that I always see at this coffee shop. I just thought it would be interesting to talk to him today - it was a beautiful and crisp sunny day and I was feeling open and talkative. Was there something wrong with the way I went about he conversation? Could I chalk it down to this guys apparent already existing oddness?
Something else stuck out and bothered me today, too, there. While I was talking to him, I realized in myself once again a tendency I have to not recognize other people's needs, feelings or thoughts around me. While I was talking it was as if the whole of the drive of my impetus was focused on the divulgence of knowledge and information, it's really as if....nothing else matters for me. I realized it clear as day and it made me silent for a few long moments.
Does this prove I'm autistic? ...do I do this all the time without being aware of it? I probably do, I realized, and it made me humbled and silent. It's no wonder my friendships lack, or connections are so tenuous.
I also realized I have to consciously try to pay attention to other things like, the act of having a conversation , rather than it being just a chance to impart my knowledge. Maybe there's a whole, rich world out there I'm barely scraping and not in touch with.
This realization depressed me greatly, and I'm still infact depressed, by it.
Thanks for reading