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15 May 2015, 7:56 pm

I'm sure you all have met them: certain types of guys you'll run into at eork, school, or in a group of friends that seem to carry them selfs in a way where they constantly Crack jokes at other, bump, push other people for fun in a none serious way, or say things that could come across as rude thst most people wouldn't typically say and yet people don't seem to mind it at least as what it appears. They seem to be the most outgoing types too. Do you feel like these kind of people confuse you the most in regards to understanding them as a person and what they do and why in social situations and as a person as a whole? I never have.

James Hackett

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17 May 2015, 10:36 pm

Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.


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17 May 2015, 10:39 pm

When I meet people like this, I can't seem to get a word in edgewise. Then they ask me why I'm so quiet.


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17 May 2015, 10:48 pm

eemameem1230 wrote:
Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.

No I don't think it sounds bad, that exactly hits it home in regard to what think too. It's like a different specis or alien. I believe everything can be learned but I found a few things can take much longer to figure out and this is definitely an example!

James Hackett

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17 May 2015, 10:55 pm

MollyTroubletail wrote:
When I meet people like this, I can't seem to get a word in edgewise. Then they ask me why I'm so quiet.

Oh I know what you mean! When it's several of these kind of people- it's like this wierd thing where no matter how hard you try, you just don't get the open chance to go at saying something, it's almost as if it's impossible to be able to say something but yet the other people some how manage to do it and say something and it doesn't even seem like their rudely talking over someone else. Their timing just some how happens to execute perfectly. Trying to figure out how it happens is almost fascinating when you try to look at it deeply and break it down.

James Hackett

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18 May 2015, 2:40 am

It usually depends on the content of their jokes. I'm a sucker for smartasses - probably because I'm one myself - but the stereotypical alpha male can be quite obnoxious.

On a good day, I can act like that - I still prefer to keep my hands to myself, and I'll probably bow out after 15 minutes or so - but around friends and acquaintances I have a tendency to voice strong opinions and make fairly cavalier statements, usually for the purpose of striking up a laugh. Sarcasm and satire are things I'm very comfortable with in close company (although not as much near strangers, for obvious reasons). I have gone overboard, though, and I've missed many beats before, so it's something I'm trying to temper with conventional social etiquette. Not an easy feat by any stretch of logic - it really is like a sport. You have to train it, and screw up a lot on your way there. Sometimes it can be traumatizing when you cross that line between smart-aleck alpha male and insensitive douche.

Ironically I find it harder to get in a word edgewise when it comes to things like lectures and presentations; often due to large classroom sizes, but also because there's just something about the rigidity of the format that somehow gets to me.

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18 May 2015, 7:20 pm

I can find irreverent and distasteful things funny, but those you mention tend to go beyond that. They have this type of overall attitude that is undesirable. It is in everything they do and radiates off of them. I find those kind of people extremely annoying. For awhile I thought it would be a good market to aim a line of clothing towards. I would call it Douchewear. The most popular T-shirt design would probably say something about "sluts", "real men", or "kicking your ass". I could make a fortune. :P


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18 May 2015, 7:39 pm

Can't really say I hang around people like that...but when I do run into them I don't really like them. I mean I don't mind if someone is a lot more outgoing than I am even if they are a bit 'intense' sometimes easier to interact with those types since they do all the initiation for you. But caulky types like what you describe sound like people that would piss me and my friends off....probably even get hit by some of them. Sometimes its funny to see such people make fools of themselves.

I do have a cousin who is sorta like that, but not to an extreme really....I guess he's just kind of arrogant/caulky but he's not a nasty person he would probably try to help someone if they where stuck on the side of the road because their car broke down or things like that but he's a bit full of himself.

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18 May 2015, 9:08 pm

eemameem1230 wrote:
Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.

Partially true. If anyone is a different species it's us. My experience reading the forums compared to dissecting the real world is that autistics lack many animal instincts. Human alpha males run much like their wolf counterparts constantly pissing on territory to mark it, albeit in modern human social ways. This is why you don't understand it, you've probably never had an urge to mark your territory and don't understand the behavior of the creature that does.


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18 May 2015, 10:48 pm

Aristophanes wrote:
eemameem1230 wrote:
Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.

Partially true. If anyone is a different species it's us. My experience reading the forums compared to dissecting the real world is that autistics lack many animal instincts. Human alpha males run much like their wolf counterparts constantly pissing on territory to mark it, albeit in modern human social ways. This is why you don't understand it, you've probably never had an urge to mark your territory and don't understand the behavior of the creature that does.

I have to point out, your response is so beautifully worded and written. Are you a writer?

James Hackett

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18 May 2015, 10:50 pm

infilove wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
eemameem1230 wrote:
Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.

Partially true. If anyone is a different species it's us. My experience reading the forums compared to dissecting the real world is that autistics lack many animal instincts. Human alpha males run much like their wolf counterparts constantly pissing on territory to mark it, albeit in modern human social ways. This is why you don't understand it, you've probably never had an urge to mark your territory and don't understand the behavior of the creature that does.

I have to point out, your response is so beautifully worded and written. Are you a writer or ever work in a type of position where communication is the strong point? Just in that paragraph I can tell you would.

James Hackett

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19 May 2015, 8:59 am

infilove wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
eemameem1230 wrote:
Totally! I don't understand it at all. Sometimes (it sounds bad I know) it feels like maybe they are of a different species.

Partially true. If anyone is a different species it's us. My experience reading the forums compared to dissecting the real world is that autistics lack many animal instincts. Human alpha males run much like their wolf counterparts constantly pissing on territory to mark it, albeit in modern human social ways. This is why you don't understand it, you've probably never had an urge to mark your territory and don't understand the behavior of the creature that does.

I have to point out, your response is so beautifully worded and written. Are you a writer?

My degree is in rhetoric, a closely related field, but no I'm not a writer. Thank you for the compliment though, that brightened my day.