Basically I became friends with Amy last march and we hit it off straight away I even invited her to my birthday last year which now looking back was silly on my part.Any who by July 2014 things changed I was in less contact with Amy but I didn't know why.I even shed tears over her because I thought I did something wrong.When I did text her she seem disinterested and when I tried to arrange meet ups they where excuse after excuse.At the time I thought am I that bad.Last time I text her was November last year to arrange a meet up and on the day we where suppose to meet she was sick and the week beforehand she had friends from down the country coming up.Did she think that I was born yesterday?? This made me angry with her.Then I think what hurt the most was her actually wishing me a happy birthday last week but there was no effort put into it(No smiley face nothing).It felt like Facebook just told her to do so.I then looked at her Facebook page and saw pictures of her and her friends but she doesn't have the time to go meet me for just a coffee so then I decided that she was causing me pain and anger so I had to unfriend her.She clearly doesn't want me in her life so why should I bother with her Things would have been better if she actually invited me out for my birthday rather then wishing me a happy birthday then it would shows she flipping cares and does have a heart.
Joined: 4 Mar 2013 Gender: Male Posts: 1,625 Location: USA
09 Jun 2015, 9:26 am
Yeah I've experienced things like that. I try to view it as them wanting to kind of change our knowing of one another from "Friend" to "Casual Acquaintance". I use categories like that to help me better understand things.
Anyone who hangs out with your for a time and then suddenly stops without really giving you a reason isn't a friend to begin with. This is especially if she made excuses like that.
You were never a real friend to Amy. You were just a transient acquaintance. Transient means that she used to like casually chatting with you, but then lost interest. Online people do this a lot. You may want to reconsider thinking of someone as a friend until after you've met in person. It will save you a lot of grief and pain.