I want a romantic/sexual partner. I don't feel a need to have friends who are just friends, although I'm willing to be "friends first" (meaning companionship without physical intimacy and monogamous commitment) to see if that friend becomes a partner.
I don't know what I would do with friends. The things people talk about doing with friends, I want to do those things with a girlfriend, plus have sex and commitment. It's difficult to imagine how just hanging out and talking with someone would be fulfilling long-term. If I like that person, I would want to have physical intimacy with her eventually and have her as a stable fixture in my life as well.
It seems like other people have separate friend feelings and romantic/sexual feelings, and separate standards for each type of relationship. I don't. When I like someone well enough to interact in a friendly way on a regular basis, I also like that person well enough to want to have sex and commitment with her. I can sometimes get some temporary enjoyment out of isolated "friendly" incidents, such as strangers striking up conversations with me, but I won't usually have a desire to experience that regularly, so I have no motivation to befriend them.
Maybe once or twice in my adult life, I've experienced what I assume was a friendship urge towards another person, a stranger who began talking to me (never anyone with whom I was in regular contact, and thus would have had a firmer basis upon which to initiate friendship) and it caught me completely off-guard and I think the feeling was kind of mixed up with physical attraction anyways.
As for the standards, if I ever wanted a friend, I expect that I would prefer the same personality characteristics that I want in a girlfriend. There are a group of traits that I think are indispensable parts of anyone with whom I am to interact successfully, and other traits don't matter very much.
Since I don't have separate friend feelings, I think that I don't have an intuitive concept of friendship.