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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 30 Aug 2015
Posts: 30
Location: Oxford

30 Aug 2015, 4:28 pm

Maybe I've become over-concerned about my conversational abilities but I often plan how I'm going to start a conversation. Evan trivial conversations like going up to a shop counter to ask the assistant a question. Also, because I can't predict how the conversation will go, I'm tempted to pack so much into my opening question that things get awkward quickly. I can also get anxious at the thought of asking a shop assistant a question.

By the time I've finished planning the conversation, struggling through the conversation and then analysing what happened, I'm tired.

(Also, I love that we have emoticons to add to our postings. Apart from the happy, sad and joking ones I'm not sure what the other mean exactly!)