I just... kept doing it. Again, and again, and again. I spent a few years where I would deliberately put myself in as many situations as possible where I would have to be social. I'd engage with people even when I didn't want to, and keep going even if I really wanted to stop. I'd get small talk doing with people when it got quiet. After a while I stopped minding when people wanted to have a conversation. Then I liked it. Then I got to the point where I initiate conversations with others and am often genuinely interested in what they have to say.
That's an extremely simplistic approach and extremely stressful at first. It feels like throwing yourself against a wall for a while. Still, it worked very well for me, so that's the advice I can give from experience.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.