MonsterCrack wrote:
I'm so lonely, and I feel like it's because I'm a loser..... what do you guys think of me?

For some reason your question really resonated with me. I could very well be asking the same question.
I have a great family and a good job and I still feel lonely and feel like I am a loser.
I have a lot of emotional swings, especially when I am overtires and stressed. My wife has helped me to realize when I am doing this and I try not to take rely too much on my feelings when I realize I am in one of those funks. But it does help incredibly to talk or type to someone and tell them your troubles, so keep it up.
If yo uare lonely because you feel like you dont have enough close friends, then I hope that you are able to make more close friends or find the right special person, but be careful. It has been my experience that I wanted to be more popular, but being popular involves meeting people and interacting with them, and I dont like that. So I try to be balances, I do things that make me uncomfortable, like making friends at church, but I realize my limitations and I dont try to be best buddies with everyone, I just am the guy who occasionally has a short friendly conversation, but mostly just hang out with my family.
Give yourself time, find out who you are and how you bestrelate to others. Find people who can support you, but dont count heads or worry if you dont have as many friends as you think you should or if your friendships arent as deep as other people you see around you. Just be yourself.