Joe90 wrote:
An Aspie male friend of mine who I used to volunteer with and I speak to him on Facebook has blocked me because I was talking to his friend (who is female, and Aspie too). I never met her in person but she lives in my area and we just added each other as a friend on Facebook. I liked and commented on some of her posts, and she did mine, no harm done. Then I suddenly realized that he had blocked me from his friends list, and when I asked her why, she said that it was because I was talking to her, and she said that she doesn't know why he'd block me because of that. I still speak to her on Facebook like before.
Maybe my male Aspie friend got jealous because I was speaking to his friend on Facebook, but I don't see why, because I was still speaking to him on Facebook too. And I'm female too, so it's not like I'm a man trying to steal her, although I don't think they were dating anyway, as the girl was already in a relationship with somebody else.
I need to ask what kind of response you're expecting to get out of this?
Jealousy is not typically autistic. All kinds of people can act irrationally and in ways that are not always obvious.
Do you expect replies saying "Yep, that's because of his autism. Watch out for autistic people, they tend to do that".
Not suggesting you do, but I was unable to grasp exactly what kind of discussion you wanted to kick off here. Do you need advice on how to handle the situation?
Not trying to be rude or anything, just letting you know your post might be taken the wrong way due to the intent not coming through clearly, and that we've had similar posts before trying to frame autistic people in a negative light by being vague and not kicking off the discussion in a way that is easy to understand.