MissBearpolar wrote:
Have you ever been screened for depression or anxiety? Irritability is a big time symptom of both.
Maybe you're naturally an Eeyore. Maybe your brain chemistry's off kilter and can be fixed with meds. You've nothing to lose by talking to your GP.
You're right, I do have depression and anxiety. I've tried the medication route before, and it worked for a while. But then I decided, on my own volition, to see how I'd do without the meds. It was rough at first, barely able to concentrate for more than a few seconds at a time, but that passed and I was able to function just fine, if not better. When my parents found out, they made me start taking the pills again, and they just made things worse. Straterra and Abilify. The Straterra made me throw up if I didn't go to sleep right after taking it (which made most of the effects wear off before I even woke up), but the Abilify kept me awake all night. In the end, I convinced my parents and my doctor that I was better off without them.
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