Yes, I have a bad problem with speaking exactly as you describe. People get frustrated and try finish my words and sentences which I actually find helpful. It is like I think of what I want to say in picture form then have to convert it to pictures of words then read the words so it all sounds very monotone and patchy depending on how tired I am and therefore how fast I can do this. It is worse at the moment as no-one here speaks english as a first language so I have to speak properly. When I can use my own dialect I can talk faster. When I give presentations I am also usually okay but am so stressed the adrenalne speeds everything up and the `pictures`are on the slides.
I don`t know how to fix this, I had to tell my boss I had AS as he was getting very frustrated with me but is now being extremely patient.
I would go with the slow speaking actually, you will get stares for sputtering also, and at least you will be understood. I think that gradually you might be able to speed up when you have more practice.
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