I'm a bit depressed because I lost the dog I was taking care of for a neighbour...
I was about to take her (Mollie) for a walk when I saw her friend (Talbot) being coddled by these civilians... I told them I take care of dogs and lawns for a family... I brought Talbot back to the house (Everett's) where I take care of the dogs and the lawn... I couldn't find Mollie... I first walked up and down the street calling for Mollie... than I decided to use Talbot as a scanner to find Mollie... his sense of smell and longtime friendship with Mollie COULD work...
I took Talbot on a scouting run for two hours where I went on all of our core walking routes... neither of us caught any trail...
I brought Talbot back and explained to everybody involved the scenario...
That was yesterday night... we still haven't found any dog... I'm a bit depressed now...
eeeuw gee that's terrible, maybe doorknock some neighbours, put notices up around the area. She should come home for food, but why did she leave in the first place? was the gate open while you were chatting to those other people?