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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Jan 2016, 6:59 pm

I want friends but I always find it really difficult to be motivated. I know friendships are two-way, but I always get frustrated when the other person spends a while talking about something I don't like. I'm not particularly self centred, I'd just rather we talk about a shared interest. I find it quite hard to meet people with the same interests as me, and when I do there's usually some kind of problem which causes the friendship to fail.

I'm really lonely and I don't know what I should do. Any advice?

Just a very confused 19 year old from England.
I'm highly intelligent yet feel like a child.

I keep doing things wrong, but what exactly is right and wrong? People are too inconsistent.

People confuse me, life confuses me, I confuse myself. If you want to be confused, message me sometime. :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 11 Jan 2016
Posts: 4

11 Jan 2016, 9:38 pm

What are your interests? Can you join a meetup, FB group or activity in your city centered on your interest?

What, specifically, has caused your friendships with folks who share your interest to fail?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Jan 2016, 12:47 pm

I love computers (especially computer programming) but that's pretty much my only interest; computers are a broad topic though. I used to attend a group for programmers and people who really enjoy computers but I found it quite overwhelming because of the number of people there. I have quite strong social anxiety so that didn't really work out.

Almost everyone I've met with shared interests has been an NT and didn't understand me very well so they'd just get annoyed of me. The people with some form of autism that I've met with shared interests have been quite young so it's apparently inappropriate I talk to them :(

It just seems that I'm not destined for friendship.

Just a very confused 19 year old from England.
I'm highly intelligent yet feel like a child.

I keep doing things wrong, but what exactly is right and wrong? People are too inconsistent.

People confuse me, life confuses me, I confuse myself. If you want to be confused, message me sometime. :)


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12 Jan 2016, 1:45 pm

I'm just like that. Not good with people and have somewhat obscure interests, plus cannot cope in large groups. I just do my best to ignore any desire for friends.