Summer_Twilight wrote:
I have been told time and time again that I get mad at people if they do something that I feel is unfair such as..
I had an issue arise this afternoon where I ended up dropping my keys into a storm drain in my complex where I live and one of my neighbor's was out when it happened along with two contractors who were working on the property. One of them happened to be a plummer and I was instructed to ask for his help because he might have had the right equipment. So I went over to ask for help right? He was too busy putting together a piece of a pipe to help.
I said "No that is not an excuse this is an emergency and I am locked out of my house." I asked him nicely too. Yet he claimed that he was too busy putting together a pipe for a water main break between two buildings. I repeated what I said and she repeated what he said. I began to get frustrated because he seemed to be brushing me off and allowed my voice to escalate and I again repeated what I said the first time.
Everyone in the area seemed to get mad at me
1. My neighbor had to talk to him but he wasn't going to help because I "pushed his buttons" so he was going to "Let me suffer."
2. My neighbor told me that I have to be nice so that people can help
3. Another male who lives in the complex started shouting things at me as he was driving by as well as calling me names.
I know you don't want to hear this, but if the man was repairing the water main, it is a higher priority than you dropping your keys logically.
The water is for the whole building(s), your keys are only for you. If your neighbors were without water, or in danger of being without water they needed this man to concentrate on what he was doing. You could not have realistically expected the man to drop what he was already doing to help many people, to just help one.
And I have a very hard time keeping my cool, especially if I were locked out. But you have to realize people can't always just drop what they are doing because you require help. You have to "wait in line" like everyone else. That's only fair. You're claiming it is not fair. That then implies you think it would be more fair for the man to come help you personally rather than do what he's being paid to do for everyone's benefit, and that's fix the water main.
Can you honestly say looking at it logically that it was unfair to you?