SocOfAutism wrote:
Yeah...I dunno...I usually go by people's first reaction.
Does your friend have kids of her own? It could be that she's overprotective of her and thinks she's being a good aunt by keeping too many people from meeting her. I have friends who make a big deal out of not cursing around my son or talking to him in the exaggerated baby voice. It's kind of the same "I'm On Patrol" attitude.
The thing with the brother sounds like a hasty excuse to me. Like maybe she didn't know herself why she was being mean about it so she found a reason?
I guess if I were you I would either let it go and not mention it again, or say, "I'd like to meet your niece and her family if there's ever a good time." Then you're kind of making it clear that you're just trying to get to know her family but it's all up to her.
1. She is not even close to being mom material at this point and let alone is she married. Rather she is an adult with moderate autistic traits along with being socially and emotionally at the level of a 10-12 year old even though she is in her early 30's. In fact she still lives with her mother while both of her siblings are married.
2. What bugged me is that she didn't bother to pull me to the side during the party and tell me about her concerns. Rather she made a comment about me not knowing her niece so I could not introduce myself. Yet my other friend, who she's close to got first dibs because they had met before. Like I said, she facetimed me the next day and said that because she doesn't get along with her big brother due to not understanding her situation along with being abusive to her , she didn't him saying nasty things to me.