scmnz wrote:
are they being literal or sarcastic? If they are being literal, what could cause such a violent thought, and why do they tell you this instead of putting the exicution of this wish into action? Has anyone ever told you something like this? what do you do about it?
I could be both. Someone can mean it literally and someone else can mean it sarcastically.
I sometimes wish a person would die but I would never say that to them. One: It would be telling them they are getting to me and it gives them more power to bully. Two: If someone happened to them like they disappeared, I can get the blame for it. People would suspect I did it and I would be a suspect and I would have to go through the crap of trying to prove myself innocent. Three: It can be taken as a threat and bam I have the police on my doorstep
Even if that person isn't a bully, I sometimes still wish a person would die because they make me so angry and I find them that annoying. But if I killed them with my mind (if I had that superpower), that be the easy way out of dealing with my problems. Besides just imagine how many people be dead in the world if we all had that superpower? I am sure lot of people wish someone dead but they may not mean it.
No one has ever told me they wish I would just die. If someone told me this, I would probably think they hate me that much and I would wonder why don't they just ignore me then if I piss them off that much. I don't think I'd do anything about it.