With people I know, eye contact is natural for me and is not an issue. Also same goes with strangers I am required to interact with, like paying for items in a shop, or showing my bus pass to the bus-driver, or giving directions to someone who has pulled over in a car to ask me where something is, etc, etc.
But when just passing strangers in the street, I suddenly become conscious of where I'm looking, and I feel all tense and anxious inside. I feel that if I look at them they might be like "why's she looking at me?" or they'll stare back at me with a funny look on their face. If I DON'T look at them, they might wonder why I'm not looking at them, causing them to stare at me and think I'm weird. If I look at them briefly, it suddenly feels too conscious and probably looks too forced to them, because of moving my eyes around quickly.
I just find passing people feels so uncomfortable and awkward. I rather not look at them at all. Do people think anything badly of those who choose not to look at people? Do NTs really care whether a passer-by makes brief eye contact or not? I know I should't worry about what a passer-by is thinking, but I do.