I think, maybe that Facebook is a bit much, since they hardly know you, and you know how many people post everything. So, it;s like you see everything (not literally everything) about a person, instead of talking to them and learning to old fashion way. You see, when we are exposed to all of their opinions and stuff, without really knowing them, it's a bit much, and we tend to judge.
I was thinking about this girl I met last week, and if we became friends, and about sending her a friend request, or if she friended me. I thought for a bit, and thought that I would prefer not to be Facebook friends, and get to know each other in person. I'm glad that thought came, becuase I can see from a different perspective.
Just maybe that's why, some people won't add people they don't know.
A girl added me a couple weeks ago, and an hour later, she removed me. I was insulted and thought she was mean. I now realize, that I have visble likes on different topics, such as Naturism, bullies, some related to negative, such as bullies, Autism related stuff, too. So, she may see all that, and not know what to think. I'm sure if some girl just browsed through my likes, groups, etc, without knowing me, she may not know what to think, and come to the conclusion, that I'm a creep, or a weirdo.
The media has used the word Autism and Asperger's, a few times, so some people are unsure about it. When they hear about it, they remember what they heard abut on the news. I had a girl thought that I was going to become a mad gunman, becuase I have problems finding someone. Where I live, many people are very judgemental, and they believe it without any facts to back it up. I also find that, it's not just where I live, but news posting, Facebook, reviews, so many negative an awful comments. It has gotten to the point, that I don't read them anymore. People just love to spread hate. I do love when I see someone stand up, and show them.
There have been countless people who have judged me, just on Autism alone. One time on POF, I mentioned that I had Autism in my profile and whe I messages a girl, she claimed that all I do and sit around and play video games, which isn't true. I wish I ahve taken a screenshot of that. She may have seen Zelda, listed as one of my many interests, and came to the conclusion Autism+Zelda, he's a lazy gamer. I blocked that the piece of crap. I don't have Autism at all on my profile, but on Facebook, I do have an Autism profile picture. At least you get to see who is real or who isn't. The Autism photo, lets them know right away, and let's me know who is judgemental, and who is, for the most part.