People with autism can see patterns in things immediately that normal people would have to spend minutes or hours looking for. Do you remember those "find such-and-such a shape in this box of random squiggly lines" puzzles? They get those right away.
Actually I don't really do that. When it comes to patterns, I sometimes see them slower than most people. I have always been horrible at things like wordsearches. So not all of us Aspies can do it. But sometimes I can see patterns faster. Most of the time it is like I either do something MUCH BETTER or MUCH WORSE than someone else, never the same.
Sure, I could probably rattle off the exact stats and abilities of every unit in Civilization 2, but that's just from seeing them over and over every day.
Wow, um...and you don't think you have AS? Do you know why you can rattle off the exact stats and abilities of every unit in Civilization 2, but can't memorise the birthdays of everyone in Congress?
Because you care about Civilization 2! Those of us with AS can't remember everything, we remember things that matter to us better than most people. I have no idea what Civilization 2 is, so to me it seems like a pretty random thing to memorise. I know basically everything about the Harry Potter world. Why? Because I care about it. Some people think it is just as random and odd as knowing all the birthdates of everyone in Congress. To the person who knows all the birthdays of Congress, it doesn't seem random to them, but very important and interesting.
Also, regarding memory:
Do any of you notice that when you don't care about something, you find it almost impossible to remember it? Because this happens to me at school when I have to remember something I don't care about or find interesting. THE THINGS THAT
HAVE TO STAY IN MY HEAD NEVER DO! On the other hand, my obsessions never seem to leave even when I want them to.