It seems that I inevitably destroy every relationship I have. I've never had a girlfriend, and I finally lost my best friend. We had been friends since we were 7, and we knew each other so well. He had hardcore asperger's, and I probably have a mild form... obviously there are strong parts, but nothing like his. I never thought we'd drift apart, after we were so inseparable in our childhood. I suppose that relationship was burned by both of us, as computers took over his time (and the idiots that play it with him as well) and for a while, the same happened to me. I stopped playing on the computer all the time, and I tried to get our friendship renewed again, but he always gives excuses as to why we can't hang out. I think he is regressing extremely rapidly, as he has his own place and is always on Steam (the online store/community) nonstop if he isn't working. It's too bad too, we were really good friends, even if the pink elephant in the room was never addressed.
I had a friend out of high school for 4 years, and I burned that bridge on my own. For good reason perhaps. He was... kind of gay. At the time, I wasn't very open minded, and I wanted nothing to do with that, but I pitied him because I was the only friend he had that he seemed to be comfortable being close around. (how could I be so shallow, when I hardly had more) In the end though, it was a culmination of events on a school trip to Germany that caused me to end this one. He had been really uptight and bossy the whole time, and I just said "F it". I don' regret it, but I do owe it to him for getting me to try new foods.
There have been more, but none of them really hold the significance of those two. Not to be depressing or anything (as if it is helpable, how can one's life not be depressing when you can't connect with anyone) but I just can't keep a friendship for more than a period of 4 years. The first friendship I had (the one that lasted 14 years) kind of died after about 8, so... 8 years is the record.
Anyone else wanna share? Would be really... comforting? to know that I am not the only one who can't keep a friend.