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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 May 2016, 6:27 pm

This girl from church posted a picture on twitter of her and another girl from my small group hanging out, but whats weird is she doesnt usually post pictures on twitter usually she posts them on instagram or Facebook, and she didnt post this picture on instagram or Facebook. She knows I am a friend of her on facebook and instagram but I am not following her on Twitter so I dont think she knows I have a Twitter. Why would she post the picture on Twitter instead of Instagram or Facebook? Do you think she was trying to hide the post from me thinking I wouldnt see it because she thinks I dont have Twitter? This was after she told me she is really busy the next few weeks and wouldnt have time to hang out. Then I see this picture of her hanging out with this other person, so she has time to hang out with them but not me? And yesterday, I followed her on Twitter to find out she blocked me a few hours later. Today I looked at her account without logging in saw that she tweeted about yet another hangout with this friend last night. This was after I had messaged her yesterday afternoon asking when she could hang out next and she said late June.


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16 May 2016, 6:37 pm

sounds like a bad friend. You should find others. Saying she was busy is ok (people don't have to only hang out with you) but blocking you on twitter is bad.

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16 May 2016, 6:44 pm

She's behaving like someone who dislikes you, not like a friend at all.


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17 May 2016, 2:55 pm

Tell her that your new friend ALEX PLANK says you have better things to do. ;)

Seriously, what a jerk though. But you know what's good about this situation? You knew something was up, because you thought to go behind her and check her Twitter. That shows that you are good at picking up small social cues. Having a good sense of when something is not quite right is really important in life.


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27 May 2016, 10:16 pm

I would take all of that as meaning she prefers the company of other people to mine. Time for me to move on.

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28 May 2016, 5:06 am

I don't think she wants to be friends with you. When she says she's too busy what she means is she's too busy for you. I would move on. I've encountered a lot of people like this in life. Don't feel bad.


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29 May 2016, 4:01 pm

Though I agree that making excuses and blocking someone is quite rude you might consider asking her
"Did I do something that bothered you?" You can also ask her "Are you interested in pursuing things with me? Because I discovered that you blocked me on Twitter."

If she gives you excuses you can tell her "If you are going to lie to me please do not even waste my time."


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29 May 2016, 5:36 pm

I don't know if she was trying to hide it from you by posting it on Twitter. That part could easily be a coincidence or have no relation to you.

But blocking you on Twitter, and saying she was busy when she had time to hang out with other people aren't good signs. Like everyone else has been saying, this person doesn't seem like a friend. It might be better to try starting a friendship with someone else rather than trying to continue the friendship with the person who blocked you.


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29 May 2016, 5:59 pm

I went back and read your main post and it sounds like you caught her in a lie when you discovered that she posted a picture on a twitter account that you didn't think you would see. From what I have learned people who lie will often avoid the very person who they have been lying too or about. What's worse is that she isn't acting like a Christian.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Jun 2016, 1:13 am

I'm sorry to hear about that, and yes, it can be very heartbreaking, as I have experienced similar situations.

Instead of Twitter, it was Facebook in my situation. In fact, that was what led me to believe this generalization "If one acts like xyz on social media, then they are likely to be what they are in real life face-to-face." While I know it could be the other way around or not necessarily true, I've noticed the same because when I was nearing the end of my high school years, I had about 100-150 friends added, but then only about 10-15 stayed in touch with me, and diminishing after the years, then about 20-30 of those friends that added me in the past, deleted me. To me, they are implying that "You're not worth my time and bleh just an acquaintance, so not worth my time *clicks unfriend button*." As a result, I stopped wanting to have friends and started to grow bitter and resentful of social media, real life relationships and friendships, which hurt me socially as well (but that's another point for another day).

Yes, what you said is really true. Someone who behaves like that is not setting a good example as a Christian, which leads to me to believe that that person is a Pharisee, in other words, someone who talks about being a moral, nice person, but does not practice what he/she preaches. (I've studied the Bible before as well as attended church, had friends who were church goes before.)

This topic really floods me with emotion so I had to respond. Finally, I also want to say props to everyone who gave good advice such as if they are making the generic excuses about why they do what they do and then lying about it, then they weren't really "friends" to begin with.


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01 Jun 2016, 4:44 pm

About four and a half years ago I re-connected with a woman who I went to school with who seemed like a friend a first . Then found out during high school that she didn't really like me that much and turned out to be an exclusive bully. We re-connected on FB where I thought she had grown past her silly immature phase.

A year and a half she decided to unfriend me on facebook so when I attempted to re-friend her she followed suit. Not long after I found out that she had blocked me on FB. She also boasted about it on her ex-boyfriend's timeline who also bullied me in high school.

"Do you have Summer as a friend on FB? I blocked her from mine."

When I found out I was furious so I discovered a way to get in touch with her and directly tell her "You're a wife and mother now and you need to grow up. I am interested in this drama and nor am I interested in your ex-boyfriend anymore."

Then I blocked her and moved on.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Jun 2016, 11:15 pm

Summer_Twilight wrote:
About four and a half years ago I re-connected with a woman who I went to school with who seemed like a friend a first . Then found out during high school that she didn't really like me that much and turned out to be an exclusive bully. We re-connected on FB where I thought she had grown past her silly immature phase.

A year and a half she decided to unfriend me on facebook so when I attempted to re-friend her she followed suit. Not long after I found out that she had blocked me on FB. She also boasted about it on her ex-boyfriend's timeline who also bullied me in high school.

"Do you have Summer as a friend on FB? I blocked her from mine."

When I found out I was furious so I discovered a way to get in touch with her and directly tell her "You're a wife and mother now and you need to grow up. I am interested in this drama and nor am I interested in your ex-boyfriend anymore."

Then I blocked her and moved on.

I'm glad you are able to give her comeuppance for her behavior and ultimately, being able to move on. I hate people who are immature back then, but still act the same way many years later. When they were a teenager, there is some reason to the behavior (not condoning it) usually hormones, peer pressure, rebellion, insecurities themselves, bad home life, etc., but when they are an adult, especially in the mid 20's and treating people like that, there is no excuse and they deserve any negative consequence that comes their way.


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02 Jun 2016, 4:56 am

It's worse she was in her early 30's when she pulled this.