Yesterday I told a teacher, who I have frequently sought advice from before and who I like I think I have a friendship with, that I have Aspergers. There are two particular points in the conversation where she said things I'm unsure how to interpret, so hopefully someone can help.
1) When I said 'I have Aspergers Syndrome', she did not look surprised and said that being a teacher, she has met many other Aspies, and that she thinks I'm one of the most 'socially competent'. I feel like this implies she'd already guessed I have Aspergers, am I right about this. The next thing she said was when was I diagnosed, and I said I haven't been and she asked how I'd found out.
2) We talked for about fifteen minutes and and the end she said something like 'I really enjoy talking to you'. I'm unsure whether she was being polite and/or trying to improve my self esteem or something, or whether she was telling the truth. Does anyone have any insight into this? I really want to think she enjoys my company but I'm hesitant to jump to any conclusions.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 121 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 83 of 200