alpacka wrote:
Could being me writing this post. I come across this issue ALOT and hate it. I DONT believe that the NT is sooo busy or "doesnt like text", if the person is a friend, he or she will NOT make you hang in there, he or she will prioritize your text. Maybe not in 5 minutes but at least the same day. My so called friend takes weeks to reply, fastest are minimum 24 hours. She says she do care but I cant feel it.
Aspies are more thoughtful, NTs just dont give a s**t
My general expectations:
* within 1-5 minutes if they're a complete stranger you texted accidentally.
* within 10-60 minutes if they're a good friend
* later the same or very next day if they're an acquaintance or casual friend.
* within a few weeks if they're training their pet parrot to text for them (and it's not going well).