I´m afraid, this is going to be long - mostly because of my clumsy english.
A few days ago, I was to see my neighbour for a cup of coffe in the yard. I discovered, that there was something on TV, I just HAD to see, so I wanted to postpone our coffee-hour. I called her. She didn´t answer. I tried a couple of times. Then I mailed her, hoping, se would see it. I even tried facebook.
My problem: If I didn´t turn up - if she didn´t see my notice - I would feel like a jerk and I would have to miss my program.
Her problem: She didn´t want to answer, because she was otherwise occupied and she felt harrassed.
We should have left it there, but it ended up as a discussion/quarrel about values.
It would be ok by her, if she would have sat there, asking, "where are you" - if she hadn´t recieved my notice.
Normally, I can - with all my collected self-discipline - take it easy.
This time, I couldn´t, because I had been in a swarm of things, that went wrong, because of faulty half-communication and I couldn´t handle more at the time.
My neighbour was FURIOUS with me for being so annoying and I explained to her why I had overreacted and gave her an apology - but - she looked at me strangely, wondering, like she didn´t know me. I´ve never seen that look on her face before. I rushed down the stairs.
Later, we texted each other, discussing, and I had to tell her, that I feel totally bad, if messages can´t get through and that I can´t have the same relaxed approach as she has.
(Neither could she herself a couple of years ago and her demand for precision allways made me nervous).
The end of it was: "We are too different". Our relationship has allways had an element of ambivalence. This time, it went off the rails , it seems. Maybe she had hoped, that I could become more like her. No chance of that.
We have been hostile a lot of times, but this time it is different - this strangeness.
1. I´ve discovered, that I really need things to be predictable, messages to go through, grammar to be correct, commas to be in place. I can take a certain amount of uncertainty/irregularity - and then....anxiety and childish behavior.
2. She gave me a birthday present, but I can´t use it because of the present situation. I´d like her to use it herself.
Do anyone have an idea on how to deal with this situation?
Special Interest: Beethoven