It's not you or I, it's this generation.
Seems a lot of millenials try far too hard to be unique special snowflake extraverted quirky amazing hipsters and if you don't have any sort of dedication to the arts such as writing, music, etc. then you're out of touch with the world.
Think of how many women you may have seen say they don't want to date a 'nice guy' because being 'nice' is uninteresting and the bare minimum of what a guy has to be to interesting. Being nice alone apparently isn't enough for people today.
Why can't a person who's very plain and generic's only redeeming quality be 'niceness'.
I'd honestly love to date a completely plain, ordinary, down-to-earth, 'nice' woman with no particular interests that stand out. The kind of gal that pretty much just goes to work, then maybe watches some movies or just chills, maybe spends a lot of time on facebook socializing or looking at stuff on her wall, etc.
If anything, a lot of 'interesting' people I meet tend to be boring as heck.
I was friends with a lot of artsy kids in high school; they were all very social, extraverted, loud, random and spontaneous, and had multiple interests in many things.
Most of them were all writers, dancers, amateur filmmakers, amateur fashion designers/interest in fashion, musicians, actors and visual artists all at the same time. Most of them took full advantage of the opportunities our hometown offered (e.g. acting in actual local theatre productions, dancing in local musicals, playing gigs at local concerts, etc.) They all still managed to have high grades and be high achievers. They are all attending university and a few of them have already begun to explore the world, so I'm sure they have many more stories to tell. On top of this, they all loved a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, novels, anime, video games, comic books and board games and spent extensive time watching and consuming all of this entertainment.
Ironically, they were one of the most uninteresting bunch I've ever come across.
It was the plain, ordinary and 'boring' people who I actually found to be more insightful and interesting than meets the eye.
My point is:
1. Taste is subjective. What's boring to some is interesting to others.
2. No one is truly boring. We're all unique and all have our own individual insight to offer to others and the world, no matter how little we've experienced it.
3. You are not boring. Your past posts indicate you have quite a few interests and you're a dedicated writer. You sound pretty cool and alright.