So I was talking to the school counselor because I'm meant to, and I told her last session that I think I'm 'on the spectrum' as she says, but that some people I've told don't believe me that I am. Today she asked me why I think i have it, so I told her I examples of when I have different symptoms, and she said:
'You make a convincing case'.
I don't understand what this means, because comparing me describing my AS to a case and calling it convincing implies that I'm lying. However, maybe this was just a figure of speech and she means she thinks I seem like I have AS. Does anyone understand?
Also, after I listed my symptoms she said it seems my primary problem is lack of empathy. I thought this was really odd as I feel like I DO have empathy, so I doubt I said anything that implied I have no empathy. (In real life I honestly do feel lots of emapthy, easily as much as an NT, just in different situations). Was she just projecting her ideas of ASC onto me? Or what?
Finally, she said people may not believe me about having aspergers because I seem to have developed coping strategies eg not letting myself talk about my special interest more than 3 times per day. Am I right to think her saying this means she DOES believe me? 
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 121 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 83 of 200