I think I might have lost a friend. Maybe more.

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09 Nov 2016, 6:38 pm

Yes, this is election related.

I voted for Trump. Feel free to dox me and poison my rats. I probably deserve it. Because I've been yelled at by many people who I thought were my friend. Every time I try to say "Look, it's not gonna be that bad," people I trusted do the Internet equivalent of screaming in my face. I've been called a liar and a bigot. It's bringing back the feelings i had when I was a child and had no friends. I can't trust anyone because emotions are so high. I'm afraid to talk except to participate in class, and even that is difficult. I thought I was good friends with these people, that we didn't let politics get between us, but I guess I was wrong. I'm not even a strong Trump supporter. I'm trying to stay neutral and positive and apparently that's wrong. That's the real reason I'm scared and crying. I don't care that Trump is President. I care that my friends are filled with so much hatred that they'd forget that I'm human. That really hurts and I have no idea how to handle it. I refuse to change my beliefs just because my friends think differently. I didn't think I did anything wrong, but now I'm the Antichrist.


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10 Nov 2016, 12:54 pm

Politics is a good friendship killer unfortunately. I'm sorry you went through all of that. People can be horrible. I honestly think if they were your true friends they wouldnt have left you over who you voted for. I find it sickening that so many people argue over differences, rather than find things in common to chat about! I will admit I'm not perfect in this aspect either...but I've gotten better over the years. Perhaps in time you can mend some of those friendships.

In times like this.. I'm partially glad I dont have many friends, because then I don't need to worry about losing some because of politics and/or election views :(

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Nov 2016, 9:19 pm

Even though I have voted opposite of you I think it is really sad that people are giving you such a hard time. I hope you find peace.


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24 Nov 2016, 9:42 pm

Honestly, even though I tried to encourage people to vote against him, looking at Trump's policies now he doesn't seem like THAT bad of a guy. Now, he has a history of flip-flopping on things and saying things people want to hear, but if he's serious about dropping the racist BS and adopting more liberal policies, I think he may actually be a good president for the US. But who knows what he's gonna do, the guy's really unpredictable.

You're not a bad person for voting for him, and you wouldn't be a bad person for voting for Hillary either. In a democratic system people should be able to vote for whoever they want to, and honestly, I can totally see why people didn't want to vote for Hillary. In fact, I don't think anyone actually wanted to vote for her, I think people just voted for her because Bernie Sanders got backstabbed and she was the only option left that would've kept Trump from winning.

Trump won, and all we can do at this point is hope for the best. He better not get impeached or anything either, because his VP, Mike Pence, legitimately worries me. He's a far-right fundamentalist Christian who would send America back to the dark ages if he took power. I'm actually surprised Trump chose him as his running mate, but as long as Trump stays in power and doesn't give Pence an opportunity to ascend, things should be at least acceptable.

Every day is exactly the same...


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25 Nov 2016, 7:27 pm

I'm very sorry you are experiencing this, rats_and_cats.

Today's culture is a toxic stew. You can get in all kinds of trouble simply for not thinking like the majority, or for simply voicing your opinion. It shouldn't be this way.

Anyone who would treat you badly based on who you voted for in the presidential election has a problem.
It's their loss ... and sad all around.

It seems people have forgotten, or never learned in the first place, how to treat each other with respect.

I hope you will find real friends who appreciate you.



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25 Nov 2016, 7:43 pm

I can't stand Trump---but I think you're a cool person.

Forget about all those idiots who make politics the end-all. You wouldn't want them as friends, anyway. They'll drop you like a hot potato for any stupid reason. They are not steady, stalwart people.

Find more substantial people to hang out with. Who are steady and stalwart.

Eventually, people will calm down, and things will get back to normal, and you'll probably have those friends again.