How to react to Manipulation?
How do you guys deal with manipulation. I often become a target of people but I can come up with verbal responses that stop most people from continuing and I'm physically stronger than a majority of people who "Mess with" me. However, there are occasional sociopaths who don't stop because they are unphased by intimidation or threats, and the only thing that really threatens them is a loss of power over me. I don't get phased by many empty or illogical insults, I Just get socially anxious and wonder what causes these people to do that. However, from what I know with interpersonally challenged people is they are usually very confrontational. They attack and fight constantly, but they don't get tired of it, while we normal people do.
So I went on a tirade by accident because of my irritation with these people, so I'm going to ask this question only. How do you deal with manipulation? How do you deal with intimidation and aggression from ballsy confrontationists and the like. Thanks for responses.
I'm going to see how I deal with it pretty soon. There is a guy on the HOA Board who is a manipulator and I didn't catch on in the beginning that he was like this. I thought I could trust him, but nope. He manipulates my friend Mary (who is the President) by yelling at her and telling her what to do.
Him and I already got into it. THE SCENARIO : the condo plex needs new decks and an assessment to pay for it. Currently we have about 5 damaged decks because of mold from people watering their plants and the water goes down below. And because they water so much, the decks never dry out. Now it is totally unfixable. I said that if we put new expensive decks on, the Board needs to make a rule of "No Live Plants On The Deck". His wife loves real plants and he is saying that we are NOT going to have that rule! Him and I started arguing and he said if he gets fined then he'll just pay it and continue watering. I said the fine would then be raised until he couldn't pay it anymore. We finally had to stop talking. Then he was on the phone with Mary and lit into her about the plants and said he won't be manipulated! (That's because he's a manipulator) You can't speak sense to him. The water is ruining the decks and the people below these watering people can't use their decks. There's a reason for my madness! So with him, you have to yell back for him to back down. He doesn't know, I may look like an angel, but my dad was the same way so I know how to deal with this idiot.
I hate people who get on the Board just to get the things they want. He also got into a fight with one of our painters where the police had to be called. What he doesn't know yet, it's that he thought he ran this painter guy off, but Mary and I are trying to bring the painter guy back.
Can I stand the drama? Can he? (This should be a soap opera - "The Condoplex Complex of Crazies" with me excluded of course!)
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
I've been abused by family, friends, and teachers, so my BS meter is pretty accurate. If I feel like I'm being manipulated, I try to cut ties with the person if possible. If not, it depends on the situation. When I was obligated to spend time with abusive family members I humored them sometimes but was generally passive aggressive. Luckily my parents divorced so now I don't have to deal with that. With friends, I simply stopped talking to them. I told my mom about teachers, and she fought with the school but didn't really accomplish much.
Currently, I get the feeling that my roommates are using me to be able to live in a coveted part of campus. But the living situation right now is tolerable. We're friendly to each other and generally stay out of each other's ways. I could be wrong about the situation too but I always err on the side of caution.
Sadly manipulation is quite common with ASD, I had a friend who used to get manipulated all the time because she took things too literally. Most people these days are out for themselves so I pretty much don't trust anyone I don't know really personally.
Even then, you should go off merit. If they've done things before to actually prove they're trustworthy and have helped you properly in the past then they're good to go but if they're someone who just takes then just treat them as an acquaintance and not a friend cause they basically aren't your friend if they just wanna get stuff out of you all the time. That could either be emotionally, physically or financially.
Experience helps though, like sometimes you can literally just predict what's going to happen cause you've seen it so much. Don't stand for it though, if it's hindering your happiness then you're not responsible for someone else, put your foot down and tell them to f**k off if you suspect it, these people don't deserve your time or effort.
Definitely read some sociology and psychology books, watch some master manipulator youtube videos, educate yourself to the point where you'll remember what to actually look out for since it really helps to avoid these toxic people.
The term Aspergers is no longer officially used in the UK - it is now regarded as High Functioning Autism.
Indifference. If you must interact on some level, stick to simply answering their questions, in the most boring, simplistic way. Stick to facts, answer in as few words as possible. Do not show any degree of emotion. Some manipulative people, ie, malignant narcissists, like to provoke drama. They feed off drama, emotional reactions, ruffling feathers, etc. It is a form of narcissistic supply.
Become a potted plant, or a rock. hahah. Seriously, be as boring as possible. They cannot stand being bored, and will eventually leave you alone, if unable to provoke you in some way, shape or form.
Personally, I like specificity, as it means someone can't say about something 'Oh, I didn't mean it like that' - which, to me, is a potential manipulation trap.
Is this one of those 'let's all be friends' PC BS terms?
I've genuinely never heard that one before.