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Joined: 2 Mar 2016
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20 Dec 2016, 10:43 pm

I feel like I am missing life entirely. I am 27 (I turn 28 next month) years old. I have a job that I love, but as far as other things like relationships I feel like I am left behind. All my friends from high school and college are mostly all married and are successful. I also do not drive, but I am trying to learn, but I am scared. I know I have to learn because there is no public transit system where I live. I have never had a girlfriend because of my extreme shyness. I do not know what to do. What should I do?


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21 Dec 2016, 10:54 am

I am 35 and successful careerwise but I have only had one boyfriend who I dumped last year. I do have some tips that you could use.

1. The first thing to do is be yourself.
2. Get involved in a special interest group and because chances are that you will meet people and vice versa where you feel comfortable
3. I had also read that when you meet someone it's better for the two of you to get to know each other.
4. Get involved doing things that you love because chances are that you will meet someone.


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14 Feb 2017, 2:46 am

what specific aspect of driving scares you the most?

other drivers? unpredictability, getting lost, losing control of your vehicle? being overwhelmed?

i've found turning down the stereo and having no other sounds in the car helps with concentration.

maybe the dawn of self driving vehicles will be to your benefit. as for me, i love driving (alone, or with SO) and loathe the day people try to take control of the wheel away from me. :x sorry to hear about the lacking public transportation it's pretty good and it almost put off my decision to learn driving for a while, but you don't seem to have many other choices. :|

are you more comfortable with another person in the car?

it's great you have a job you love. many others cannot claim even that much.

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