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23 Mar 2017, 6:15 am

I only have NT-friends but I rarely get together with them anymore. I often feel like the weird one and have to explain all the time why I can´t do this and that, people also are good at forgetting things I have told them before. They doesn´t know I have diagnosis and I´m not sure they would understand in a proper way (maybe just avoid me even more).

This is exhausting and had lead to that I´m very lonely these days. I sometimes talk to a psychiatrist who often says that I should be friend with new NT-people because if I would meet other people with diagnosis like people on a deeper spectrum, I would be the caregiver because I tend to listen too much and take in other peoples problems. I feel like I want to meet other people who are like me but I don´t want to be the "caregiver" as she were saying. What is the right thing to do? I am tired of "normal people" because they never understands.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Mar 2017, 11:07 am

Ive recently had the opportunity to be around a lot of new NT people. Ive not tried to be "normal" at all around these new folks and its working out very well. Of course medication is changing my life and has actually helped improve my social interactions a great degree. I feel like Im in a good place to start friendships, but I know I need to work on developing meaningful friendships. Its going to be a process....but so far just letting me be myself has made me happiest and allowed me to have more positive social interactions.


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30 Mar 2017, 7:01 pm

I've often thought that weird NTs or other Aspies might be best for me. I don't have the energy for a typical lifestyle, let alone going out to bars, clubs, etc.

In terms of becoming a caregiver, I think that can happen in either NT or Aspie friendships. A lot of people who struggle with low-self esteem, depression, anxiety, etc, turn to their friendships for support and not all of them can limit what they ask for. If their friend can't set boundaries, either, it turns out poorly.


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31 Mar 2017, 1:01 pm

Most of the friends I talk to are weird NTs or people on the spectrum. And it seems like they are nicer to me than other people. A lot of NTs but not everyone sometimes takes advantage of me and probably makes fun of me and makes me do stupid stuff to laugh at me when I think they're laughing with me. And I can't tell the difference. Like I said. Some do. But not everyone.

Snowy Owl
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02 Apr 2017, 5:13 am

It's hard to find friends. Even when you think you have a friend then you ask them something and they don't care out giving you an answer. It's such a let down.


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10 Apr 2017, 8:45 am

specialsauce wrote:
It's hard to find friends. Even when you think you have a friend then you ask them something and they don't care out giving you an answer. It's such a let down.

I hear you and that is also very frustrating situation. And if you ask them you are "needy" in their eyes, if you don´t say anything - people just taking advantage of you and use it.

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Snowy Owl
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15 Apr 2017, 7:23 pm

I have NT friends that are far from normal. Having other friends on the spectrum is nice, but that is very hit-or-miss for me since it's quite possible 2 autistic people will never get around to talking seriously. You might just have bad friends. I've certainly had a few.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 May 2017, 3:54 pm

my best friend is an NT and she is very popular and helps me a lot with social situations, one time a girl told me that she though the two of us are weird so it makes sense to her that we are friends - not in a mean way -
i am used to hear that i am weird but that was the first time hearing my friend being called weird, maybe she is, i don't think a very popular person is normal either.
so it seems like there is NT people who are interesting and like being friends with us.