SpreadsheetMaster wrote:
I've been a lot more social in the past year and a half than I have been in a long time, but I keep running into situations where I say something inappropriate because I didn't know it was inappropriate (asking for details on an illness, generally asking or talking about things that people didn't go into detail about and I didn't realize why). This might not be the kind of thing to find online, but I tried searching for a guide to talking appropriate on Google for people with Asperger's and didn't come up with anything related to what I wanted; it gave me either how to pronounce Asperger's or how people with the disorder act. Does anyone know of some guide on that somewhere, or just has some tips in general?
Unfortunately, I could really use something like this as well. I have kind of made this new friend whom I really like. However, my Asperger's-related quirks have scared him off for now. And the irony is that it was all inappropriate behavior on my part in electronic communications. During the two times that we have hung out in person so far, I interacted with him normally, except for maybe not talking enough during our first intense four hour outing. It's actually usually been easier for me to talk to people in electronic communications. But when I talked to my new friend in electronic communications, I got in the habit of messaging him too often as I like him a lot, maybe too much.
Do you see or have you ever seen a mental health professional for your Asperger's? Since the start of my problem with my friend, I've been e-mailing back and forth with a mental health counselor whom I use to visit in order ask him for advice.