This may seem like an odd question, but I am honestly at a loss as to what it is that people talk about. This is an important thing for me to get a grasp on, since I have so much trouble thinking of things to say around people. There are a few constants that I have figured out, such as:
1) Environment.
People talk about what goes on in the situation they are in together. That is why I think I often do better talking to people at work than at other places. The work environment helps create a lot of things to talk about. When I am at work, I can ask people what department they work in, how they like the new store manager, how work went, and things like that.
2) Media
People talk a lot about the media: television, movies, and music. People make a lot of references to things they see in the media when they want to comment on something in their daily lives. When I was in an electronics class in college, a guy near me shocked himself. He wasn’t hurt, but he let out a high-pitched shout when it happened. The guy sitting next to him commented: “I thought you was singing one of those Michael Jackson songs!”
3) Unusual Behavior
I notice people always have something to say about people they encounter, or see, who do things that are simply unusual. People who work in restaurants will talk about the guy who orders a sandwich with no bread, people who work at stores with a high rate of theft may talk about people who make pathetic attempts at stealing something, people comment on strange things other people do when they are drunk, and so on. It seems like unusual things that people do or say are the topic of a lot of conversations.
Anybody else have some ideas about what kind of material people use to keep conversations going all day long?