When society's just boring. Am I the only one?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 May 2017, 8:39 am


I don't know if that's an aspie thing or just me - but do you ever feel like most people around you are pretty boring?

They're like: "I'm so sad. Why did he do this?"
You: "Because of...."
Them: "You're right...But why??"
You: "I just told you why."
Them: "But...Why?"

They're complaining about problems, but they don't want to hear a solution. They're joking around, but it's just not funny at all. While arguing, you can give them hundreds of logical reasons, they won't hear it. So, it's pointless to dicuss something at all. In the end, it's not about having poor social skills, but just being bored by the boring feeling and conviction based communication at all.

Did you experience something like this too? And how do you deal with it?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 May 2017, 11:05 pm

You're definitely not the only one. I too find a lot of people to be boring to interact with, and i'm sure that there's just as many people who find me boring to talk to and that's okay. Your examples of arguing a point but not listening to logic, that really bothers me when people do that. My personal example is if I got into an argument with my parents and responded to what they said with reason; I'm blamed for "starting a conflict" and it becomes this huge emotionally driven fight just because I disagreed logically. I have a lot of people in my life who do this pattern of complaining constantly throughout the day but not being open to solutions, as you said. It's even worse when you try to talk to people like this about your problems and they simply use your struggles as an avenue to complain about their own life. I actually don't know if boring is the right word to fit how this makes me feel. I think frustrated fits better. Interacting with most people frustrates me, but I wouldn't say boring.

How do I deal with this?

Well that's part of the problem. I just don't. I end up avoiding interacting with people who do these behaviors.


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25 May 2017, 3:13 pm

I thought I was the one who asked questions like that without wanting a rational response. When I am feeling angry or upset or worried about something, I'll keep on saying "why?" but not actually wanting a logical answer.

For example:-
Me: How much more junk are they going to keep leaving outside our flat?
My boyfriend: I don't know, do I?
(I wasn't asking for a logical answer, it was more of a rhetorical question to express how annoyed I felt about other people's junk being left outside our flat).


Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Jun 2017, 4:00 pm

Libraah wrote:

I don't know if that's an aspie thing or just me - but do you ever feel like most people around you are pretty boring?

They're like: "I'm so sad. Why did he do this?"
You: "Because of...."
Them: "You're right...But why??"
You: "I just told you why."
Them: "But...Why?"

They're complaining about problems, but they don't want to hear a solution. They're joking around, but it's just not funny at all. While arguing, you can give them hundreds of logical reasons, they won't hear it. So, it's pointless to dicuss something at all. In the end, it's not about having poor social skills, but just being bored by the boring feeling and conviction based communication at all.

Did you experience something like this too? And how do you deal with it?

I do find often that people like to complain just to complain and it's frustrating for me because sometimes I wonder if it's partially because of those people that like to complain that I'm not taken seriously when I have a complaint. Some people must think I'm like all the others and just want to complain. In fact a few have even implied that.


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09 Jun 2017, 5:17 pm

Boredom is a part of life. The vast majority of people have dull, repetitive jobs that provide little in the way of mental stimulation or emotional fulfillment. My personal prescription for boredom is a cocktail of tasty food, internet related nonsense and strong marijuana.


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10 Jun 2017, 9:53 pm

yes, i am 34. at this point, i find everyone and everything boring. including myself.

but maybe life has a lot of inherently boring components to it. not everything can or should be exciting or interesting.

actually the older i get, the more introverted and cowardly i get. and boredom overlaps with stability. stability, to me, is good.

excitement could be good or bad. connotation versus denotation.

precious lil "people" are just not as exciting, interesting, important, awesome, socially cool, academically smart, or morally innocent as they act.

but whatever. who am i to stop them? i ain't got no legal or moral right to stop them. if i were to try to stop them, then they could tell me off or just ignore me.

which is what they do anyways