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21 Oct 2018, 11:32 pm

I write books and post them to websites like WattPad. I also post on their forums, chatting with other authors about our stories and giving each other advice. Today someone posted some "advice" that was some of the worst I've ever heard, and we got into a back and forth argument over it. I posted a link to it below so you can see it. Am I a bad person for doing things like this? ... hisadamguy

Autistic author of fantasy novels. Read them for free HERE!


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22 Oct 2018, 2:48 am

No, not a bad person.

If someone states an opinion publicly they need to be prepared for disagreement. If someone give bad advice, you may be helping someone else who may not have thought about it critically. Occasionally you may even be helping the person who gave the bad advice, if they're not set in their ways.

But name-calling and getting personal won't help you get your point across or convince the person you are debating with or uninvolved readers.


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22 Oct 2018, 5:15 am

some specific breeds of allistic (totally not ANY allistic) love to call u bad person, when they disagree with u, or didnt get what they wanted. and the wronger they are, the louder they get there. arguing with them though never brings any use. easier to just frag off and let them be stupid xD

sanity is a prison. insanity is doom. is there a third option, please?
beware the ire of the patient ones!
and if i walk away, who is gonna stay? i believe to make the world be a better place.


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23 Oct 2018, 8:44 am

Yep...disagreements are part of life.

We are not monks in a monastery.

We all need to acquire a thicker skin.

If I got offended over every potential offense, I'd be a walking pity machine......


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24 Oct 2018, 10:59 am

Hahaha, love the Buffy quotes on that thread.

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25 Oct 2018, 11:17 am

ThisAdamGuy wrote:
I write books and post them to websites like WattPad. I also post on their forums, chatting with other authors about our stories and giving each other advice. Today someone posted some "advice" that was some of the worst I've ever heard, and we got into a back and forth argument over it. I posted a link to it below so you can see it. Am I a bad person for doing things like this? ... hisadamguy

You have a right to disapprove of other people being negative to you but when it comes to writing, I would just politely tell him or her, "I am sorry I could not give you what your were looking for" or "I am sorry you feel that way."

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Emu Egg

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05 Nov 2018, 2:19 pm

It's not a bad thing to debate with someone over something and inevitably, people will agree and disagree with one another. Wattpad allows you to express yourself through words and as long as it's being utilised appropriately, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a detailed discussion with someone regarding something related to writing techniques.

As long as the messages are not becoming aggressive in nature and aren't having a mental and/ or emotional impact on either party, debating is OK and can help improve your analytical skills for example. :)