Anyone else's area Aspie group suck ?

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09 Nov 2010, 1:17 pm

I looked up an asperger's group on and it sucks. Hardly any aspies at all. 95 percent are parents, and their kids are 15 and younger. No way in hell I'm going to a group full kids.

It's enough to make me think of starting another group, and forbidding anyone under 18, or who is a NT parent who's burned out because their kid is damaged goods (tongue in cheek).

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09 Nov 2010, 1:20 pm

Where do you live?


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09 Nov 2010, 1:25 pm

Greater Kansas City area


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09 Nov 2010, 1:53 pm

I go to 2 of them - one of them is pretty good, the other is more social in nature.


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09 Nov 2010, 5:49 pm

There are two in my area on the meetup site that are for adults with it. But I can't attend either of them anymore due to my work schedule. If only they moved it to the weekends I can attend. But if they plan any special events for the weekend I can come.


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09 Nov 2010, 5:53 pm

I don't know of any in the Houston area.

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27 Aug 2017, 4:05 pm

I am afraid that I am having the same problem. I live in the greater San Diego, California area, and I have only found one good Meetup group for adults with Asperger's syndrome. There are a few other Asperger's syndrome Meetup groups that I have signed up with, which have people closer to my age, but they are inactive with no Meetups scheduled. All of the autistic Meetups in San Diego are workshops for parents or "play dates" for autistic kids, both of which I am uninterested in. Most of them are also at least a 45 minute drive away from me, as well. It is just frustrating for me.

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28 Aug 2017, 7:51 am

I have found that there are very few people near me on any of the meetup or singles sites geared toward Aspies. There are more things for parents with autistic children, or for teens and young adults. I live in West Michigan, far from any big cities like on the coasts. There are just fewer people in general I guess.


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28 Aug 2017, 8:00 am

Yea' I'm a bit hesitant to even attend one of the meetings, was hoping this site had geographical inner groups

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28 Aug 2017, 7:44 pm

Brianruns10 wrote:
Greater Kansas City area

I'm not all that far from you, in Manhattan, Kansas. To my knowledge there are no Aspie Meetups here in Manhattan, although there is a support group. Maybe if we started a MeetUp that meets like once a month in Topeka or Lawrence something could get going?


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29 Aug 2017, 7:20 pm

There isnt a group in my city. Closest is in Toronto an hour away.

There is an Asperger's social group run from a local autism organisation but the group coordinator is impossible to get a hold of.