I HATE Screaming Children, Crying Babies and Barking Dogs

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What's More Annoying?
Screaming Children 13%  13%  [ 80 ]
Screaming Children 15%  15%  [ 89 ]
Crying Babies 6%  6%  [ 37 ]
Crying Babies 7%  7%  [ 44 ]
Barking Dogs 4%  4%  [ 24 ]
Barking Dogs 4%  4%  [ 25 ]
ALL 22%  22%  [ 135 ]
ALL 25%  25%  [ 154 ]
None 1%  1%  [ 9 ]
None 2%  2%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 609


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09 May 2009, 5:55 pm

Who else hates these AWFUL sounds???

I can't even get a job or go to public places because of this!! !

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.



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09 May 2009, 6:26 pm

I also don't like going to Church, because people bring babies and children.

I remember I was at my voc graduation, and it was over flowing with screaming children and crying babies and I got so frustrated that I shouted "Shut that Baby Up!" then when I walked out some middle aged woman poked me and said "Don't ever have children!"

Then that night I went on a project graduation boat ride and there was a Tarot Card Reader and a Palm Reader. The palm reader said I was going to have 2 children and the tarot card reader said I was going to have twins. Also when I was 12 years old in 6th grade I predicted I was to have a son June 7, 2010 at 12 noon and weigh 8lbs. 7oz. at 21 inches and I was to name him Wesley Edward. That is not to far away!

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.


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09 May 2009, 6:49 pm

Those are three much-hated sounds for me, too!

Recently, I got stuck on a very long tech-support call with a customer who had a hyperactive kid intermittently screaming in the background through the whole call... HORRIBLE, SUDDEN, HIGH-PITCHED SQUEALS!! ! She just laughed it off - and of course, I couldn't say anything about it - but I was honestly ready to explode by the end of the call. It took me hours to calm down. :evil:

Also, one of my neighbours happens to have a brain-dead dog that will bark incessantly for HOURS on end. (Thank God for foam earplugs...)

My intolerance for those sounds is definitely much lower than anyone else I know, and nobody ever seems to "get" why they stress me out so much... Thankfully it's not stopped me from working or going out when necessary, but they really get my blood boiling - especially if there's no way of "escaping" them.

(Other sounds that I can't stand are stomping feet, loud voices, slamming doors, motorcycles, and cars with "sewer-pipe" exhausts.)


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09 May 2009, 7:54 pm

I only voted for screaming children because when it comes to crying babies and dogs- it's all about the pitch. I can tolerate it if the pitch is low but if it's not it's all I can do not to go beserker. There are some sounds you just can't tune out. Your mind focuses in no matter how hard you try to ignore it- like that guy that does the infomercials in the U.S. for cleaning products. Billy Mays I think.Argh!

09 May 2009, 8:11 pm

I hate indoor barking and those high pitch sounds children make. Crying babies don't bother me much.


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09 May 2009, 11:40 pm

I voted for Screaming Children because the extra annoyance is that children should know how to behave.

Dogs and infants can't really help what they do, and some are less annoying than others.

Any screaming child not in obvious pain annoys the hell out of me.

09 May 2009, 11:54 pm

Of course they can. Dogs bark because that is how they communicate and babies cry because that is how they tell their parents they want something like they need a new diaper, they are hungry, they need love, they aren't feeling well, they are up from their nap or up for the day, etc. They can't talk so crying is their only way of telling people what they want. Now if you ignored them and stopped giving them attention when they needed it, they do stop crying after awhile because they know crying doesn't give them anything so they just lie there and do nothing which causes problems for the child in the future because they were neglected in their infancy.

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10 May 2009, 12:05 am

I would vote for babies and dogs, because they go on about it the longest. Screaming kids don't wake you and keep you up in the middle of the night as often as colicky babies and barking dogs, and I've known some dogs that just wouldn't stop barking, all night long.

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10 May 2009, 12:51 am

I remember posting about this in a MySpace Forum and this 19 year old girl from Scott City, Missouri would thrash on me!

Here since I can't post the link to the MySpace forum yet I will quote them for you:

"why would you post this bull come on you have gotta be the stupidest person on earth and kinda sick babies cry cuz they cant talk do you hate flowers to"

"luckly you can keep ur legs closed and leave the room the annoying child is in. You ppl are sick!! It a child you were one once too!!"

"Yes you can leave from any place you feel like i dont care were it is you are an adult right? So you are saying to punish a child if the fall and get hurt so they cry? Do you have a child? No so you dont know what it is like to have a child. Kids throw tamtrums for no reason and cant be stopped. Get over it or stay at home!! I dont care what kind of a medical problem you have you have no right to tell a parent to take there kid out of a public place. You are stupid!! !"

The last one is the worst, she says I'm STUPID because screaming children annoy me, I hope she has children with the same problem as me then she won't be as judgmental!! !

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.



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10 May 2009, 1:12 am

NT's are not going to understand that we hate the sound a screaming child makes not the child itself.
A lot of sounds irritate me and sometimes when I show that I'm annoyed the person that makes the sound gets offended. It's just that I'm oversensitive to sound.
My dog has a high pitched bark and it can really get on my nerves, but I chose screaming child.

By the way don't get offended by those poorly written responses on MySpace. They all look like they've been written by thirteen year olds.

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10 May 2009, 2:59 am

Every day for six months, I had to resist the urge to walk to my car with pistol in hand and simply off the neighbor's obnoxious dogs on the way. Or whack them on the head with a hardwood club. Or throw them some poisoned meat. I had to deal with them barking incessantly and aggressively at me every time I stepped outside. Fortunately I was able to control that urge.

Then I moved. No more dogs! :D Now I have to deal with stupid little kids either in the road or throwing things into the road as I come home. I thought parents still taught kids that the street is dangerous? Seems like they don't give a crap about controlling their kids, but as soon as I bump one off it'll be all my fault :roll:.

Crying babies and screaming toddlers. Yep, that's another bad sound. When I hear that in a store or a restaurant, I just wish the parents had a roll of duct tape or a sedative handy. Or that it was socially acceptable for me to walk over there do it myself.

If I ever open a restaurant, there will be a dumpster next to the front door where people will be required to deposit their screaming little brats before they come in.

I hate society.

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10 May 2009, 3:07 am

All of the above. Why I own a cat, not a dog.

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10 May 2009, 8:03 am

screaming kids and dogs barking indoors.
Too bad I've got an annoying dog that barks and growls and yaps everytime there's another dog on TV. And my brother and sister (9 and 6) who don't seem to have grown out of tantruming, so just imagine a 9 year old boy yelling at the top of his voice, uuugh.

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10 May 2009, 8:14 am

Everything but dogs. I have had a dog myself and it was quite most of the time.

OTOH, i have had neighbours that left their dog unattended for 8+ hours a day and it barked almost all the time. I was not mad at the dog or its bark, i was more annoyed with the people that left the dog there.

After 2 months i had enough, and i called the animal society and they made sure that my neighbour started to take care of the dog, the alternative was that it would be taken away and introduced to a more appropriate family.


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10 May 2009, 9:13 am

If your interested, I wrote a whole bunch of blogs about my experiences with SCREAMING children, I got them all from a dairy I wrote during High School including how I misinterpreted people, and got picked on.

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.



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10 May 2009, 10:08 am

All three annoy me, but dogs aren't quite so bad because the only dog I have to be around a lot is my own dog, Patch, and he doesn't bark that much at all.

Screaming kids and babies REALLY annoy me, but NTs get mad at you if you say this.

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"