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27 Oct 2017, 12:32 pm

Obviously I have Aspergers. Recently I was moved to a new desk at work where I sit next to another aspie. While I understand that people with aspergers (myself included) are always going to be socially awkward that doesn't stop being next to him from driving me up the wall. He never stops talking but he never says anything worth listening to or really even intelligent. If you're talking to somenoe else he'll jump into the conversation to give a "witty" one liner or to derail the conversation and make it about himself. All he ever wants to about are video games and I like video games but it gets so freaking annoying when I'm trying to work and he's pretty much monologing with himself about his favorite games and all the cool things he did in them last night. As an aspie myself is it wrong that I dislike being around this guy so much?


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27 Oct 2017, 12:49 pm

I don't like the aspies in the adult aspergers group I attended, so I stopped going because they were annoying. Aspies that I've met online, I do like though.


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27 Oct 2017, 1:06 pm

I almost feel like somehow I'm LESS aspie than other aspies. Like I have more self awareness so I know better than others when not to say some things. Not always but at least I know people don't want to listen to me me me all the time so I keep my mouth shut if I dont have anything relevant to add to the conversation.


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27 Oct 2017, 1:10 pm

There's nothing wrong with getting annoyed by people, whether they are autistic or not. I get annoyed by people who gets too much up in my personal space, and some aspies don't get how uncomfortable it is when they're standing too close. Especially my brother, who are very intrusive in that way. I love him and all, but sometimes I just want to put him in a cage.

I am one of those people who can talk way too much, and about things that are only interesting to me. I encourage people to let me know if I do it, because I'm not being annoying on purpose, and it's nice if people can point it out, so that I can be less annoying to others in the future.
It might be that your coworker have the same desire to be more likeable, or he doesn't care at all. Either way, try to tell him to lay off in a kind way. Just let him know that it's really hard for you to focus when he's talking all the time. If you just say "you're really annoying", he might get defensive about it and it won't lead anywhere.


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27 Oct 2017, 1:19 pm

That's the thing though: he knows I don't like him so he rarely talks to me. But he still talks to everybody and everything around him (and thereby me) so I'm still forced to listen to him yammer on. And apparently everybody else is either way more patient than me or they just don't find him annoying because no one else ever asks him to stop talking. And I can't very well tell him that when he's not even talking to me.


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27 Oct 2017, 1:23 pm

The problem with being an Aspie is that if you are annoying, unless someone verbalizes the problem in very clear language or even better, documents it in writing, how else will the Aspie know about it? Body language and hints aren't understood. This is how NTs communicate such issues, but most Aspies don't get hints or body language.