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05 Jun 2007, 1:30 pm

Is it common to aspies to want to be friends with those who are younger than them. I'm 31 and most of those that i might consider a friend even though not all friendships might reciprocate, are probably 5 or more years younger than me. I don't feel my age. Also, I'm a guy, but i'm more comfortable befriending girls. As far as my interests go, i think i have more in common with them than I do with guys.


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05 Jun 2007, 1:44 pm

I'm 19. I don't really have any friends but I rarely get on with people my age. But then most people younger than me are very immature as well, so I don't think I'd have friends younger than me either.


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05 Jun 2007, 1:44 pm

Jutty wrote:
Is it common to aspies to want to be friends with those who are younger than them. I'm 31 and most of those that i might consider a friend even though not all friendships might reciprocate, are probably 5 or more years younger than me. I don't feel my age. Also, I'm a guy, but i'm more comfortable befriending girls. As far as my interests go, i think i have more in common with them than I do with guys.

When I was nineteen, my best friend was fourteen. When I met her sister, who was only a few years older than I was, she looked at me suspiciously. I later heard, from my friend, that her sister had an argument with their mother, telling her that it was unnatural for someone my age to befriend someone her age. After I got married and invited her to visit, she started telling me that I needed to find new/married friends. :? I'm thirty-five years old now and have never had another best friend. I don't think I've technically had more than an acquaintance (unless you count someone who I see only a few times a year and email, once in a while) in all that time, but now I really don't like the idea of hanging out with younger people, at least not in real life. I don't want to feel old, compared to them.


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05 Jun 2007, 1:53 pm

Most of my friends are in their 20's. (A few in their early-to-mid 30's.) My best friend is 23, I'm twice her age.

But the thing is, they accept me as one of them. I'm not "the old guy that hangs out with them." For instance, I heard through the grapevine that my best friend was missing me, when I went "underground" for a couple of weeks (as I do sometimes when I get stressed). People my own age, mostly look at me as odd, creepy, etc. I don't fit in, I'm a square peg. (But then they berate me for hanging out with younger people. Go figure.)

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05 Jun 2007, 2:25 pm

I usually get along better with people older than me. :P


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05 Jun 2007, 2:30 pm

50% of my friends growing up were younger than me. The neighborhood "kids" were always my friends, even if I was several years older. It isn't the case anymore though, I find I get along better with older people.


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05 Jun 2007, 2:41 pm

JonnyBGoode wrote:
Most of my friends are in their 20's. (A few in their early-to-mid 30's.) My best friend is 23, I'm twice her age.

But the thing is, they accept me as one of them. I'm not "the old guy that hangs out with them." For instance, I heard through the grapevine that my best friend was missing me, when I went "underground" for a couple of weeks (as I do sometimes when I get stressed). People my own age, mostly look at me as odd, creepy, etc. I don't fit in, I'm a square peg. (But then they berate me for hanging out with younger people. Go figure.)

JonnyBGood, do you have kids? I'm just curious to know whether that has anything to do with people in their 30's and older preferring the company of younger ones. I have three kids, ranging from teenager/tween/toddler. I still love babies and toddlers, but I get my fill of hanging out with teenagers or 20-somethings who act like them, from being around my kids' friends. If I had a friend now (not just an acquaintance), I think I'd prefer them to be the same or older than I am.


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05 Jun 2007, 3:02 pm

No, I have no kids. And I'm baffled by the number of people that ask me that. As if to say, "If you had kids, you'd see how creepy you are hanging out with people who are the age your kids would have been..."

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05 Jun 2007, 5:20 pm

I get along better with people older, or younger than me.

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05 Jun 2007, 5:55 pm

Most of my friends right now are at least 10 years older.

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05 Jun 2007, 6:07 pm

I'm 36 and I have 3 close/best friends. 20, 21 and 28 years old. The 20 year old stayed with me this weekend because he was a bit low and I invited him to come stay with me. We even slept together but we have no interest in anything more than just being friends so there were no complications about intention. But I do find it easy to sleep with people I am close with and for there to be no sexual activity.

I can not click with people my age. 2 years ago my best friend was 17 (but we lost touch now).

This has worried me at times but these days age is just a number and if a friendship is mutual then age is irrelevant. And my younger friends tell me off when I worry about the age thing.

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05 Jun 2007, 7:08 pm

When I had freinds they were always younger than me by a few years. I don't know that I prefer younger friends, it just seems to work out that way.


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05 Jun 2007, 10:09 pm

JonnyBGoode wrote:
No, I have no kids. And I'm baffled by the number of people that ask me that. As if to say, "If you had kids, you'd see how creepy you are hanging out with people who are the age your kids would have been..."

No, that's not why I asked at all. Like I said, I get my fill of being around them, because I'm always around my kids and their friends. I wasn't trying to imply that it was creepy or weird for you to befriend younger people. I was simply curious to know whether or not having kids makes a difference. If you've found a group of people who accept you for who you are, that's great.


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05 Jun 2007, 11:35 pm

I usually hate people younger than me because most of the time they are very immature. There are exceptions, however.


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06 Jun 2007, 1:44 am

I seem to get along with people that are either older or younger than me. My best friend is my age though. My second best friend is a year younger than me....and my old best friend was a year younger than me. I also have a fairly good friend who's 2 years younger than me.


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06 Jun 2007, 1:50 am

Traditionally, I seemed to end up hanging out with people either much older or people much younger. I don't really hang out with much of anybody these days, since most "friends" end up being simply acquaintences. My 2 truest friends that moved are close to my age, though. My boyfriend is 5 years and 2 months younger than me.