sometimes i wonder about the problems men have with women. Autistic people seem to be similar to NT-men in that case. I don't believe the problems occur only because of the autistic character. Or it would be really worth to think about the NT-Science, pretending, an autistic brain would be one of an extreme masculin character. So, in this case, the problems in relationship with women mustn't lead to different solutions than the effort of NT-men does.
What do you think of women? Don't you like autistic women? Do you want to have NT-women? Don't you want to have true conversations? Or is there anything wrong with my observation? Do you really feel ret*d PERSONALLY, as characters???
I'm thinking of the case, someone here met a woman in the forest 5 days ago, and felt necessary to lie to her. I think if this one is that crazy to have contact with someone, met in the forest, than i suppose she is autistic too, but didn't ever think seriously of that. Neither did I. Women simply must learn TYPICAL social interactions, cause otherwise they simply can't survive! A boy having problem in school is considered to be highly gifted, a girl with THIS KIND of typical "male" problems (social/communication) would be CERTAINLY, without any doubt, hallmarked as ret*d or PSYCHOTIC. Nobody would talk about her gifts seriously, nor about her beeing autistic. She wouldn't even have the right to be autistic, of the less cruel modifications, like atypical, or asperger.
That's my story. Althought i've finaly made it to a student. Nobody supposed me to be gifted or autistic. They wanted to put me out of society. I never did anything wrong. I wasn't agressive, the only thing i did, was starring at the teacher by givin slow answers, (althought i could talk with my friends and i even could write 2 years before i went to school the first time), beeing timid, still, nice, behaving correct(not absent or inactive, CORRECT), and forgeting my homework. The cruelest thing i've ever done was saying sincererily the truth, continously,not beeing able to lie until i went to high-school. Well, i didn't annoy anyone. By saying the truth i mean not disturbing continously. I spoke when i was asked to. Nowadays, there's no doubt i am / or at least have been specially gifted in maths and languages, no wonder i can read and write since i'm 4 years old.
OH, okay, that was too much already. Would be nice to read yoiur Ideas about relationships.
PS: please excuse my english, I'm from germany
True love isn't possible between an NT and an other NT both acting "normal", like a machine, even when this machine has feelings.