sounded wrote:
Welcome to Wrongplanet if this is your first post Jakasta.
Um, I don't really understand. Is she really a car thief? Do you think she tried to take advantage of your AS? Are/were you in love with her?
I'm not really sure why you feel used, but if she needs psychiatric care then I'm sure whatever she did is nothing personal. Car thieves probably don't put much effort into friendships. I doubt knowing that will make you feel less hurt but that's life.
Try to learn from the experience and please don't isolate yourself because of it. Maybe the two of you can still be friends.
Yes this is my first post, I usually just lurk in the background.
I don't know if she telling the truth about stealing cars. No, I was never in love with her.
I feel like she has copied my behavior to benefit herself in some way. Thats the most confusing part of this. Why would someone want to pretend that there is something wrong?
I will not be friends with her as I believe she has taken advantage of me and lied to me.
I feel so angry.