Plagued by doubt
I am scared of interacting with people because my mind keeps on filling me with doubts. Suppose someone is suicidal - I fear I will say something that will make them feel worse.
People are joking. I fear I will tell an awful joke nobody finds funny and that ruins the mood.
There's a talk about politics. I imagine I will be the one person no one agrees with.
There's a topic about a news article. I care and want to contribute something but I might kill the thread.
In a social group there are 1 or 2 people I particularly like. I'm scared of saying something that will upset them.
I believe these feelings are logical because I have Asperger's and therefore am unable to communicate reciprocally. Because I lack understanding of how others think. I tend to either listen or speak, back and forth conversation frightens me.
A man is deliverinng my shopping to my apartment in a few minutes and I'm scared because he called up and sounded unimpressed with me on the phone.
Anyone else full of doubts?
I'm plagued by doubt. I doubt myself a lot when it comes to any social situation. I doubt I'll ever be fun or interesting to people.
I fear talking on the phone because I think I make people uncomfortable when I sound like a nervous wreck, or I might say something stupid, or feel awkward when there is a long silence in the middle of conversations. Same thing when I speak to people in public.
I fear that when I speak, people will not actually hear anything I say and just ignore me.
I could keep going but the list would get pretty long. I wish I didn't have these thoughts but after so many failed attempts it's hard not to have them!
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."