Conversation Mistakes of a higher order

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Joined: 11 Feb 2016
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Posts: 496
Location: New Zealand

18 Mar 2018, 8:42 pm

As many of you will have learned, in conversations it is important to take turns, and allow the other paticipant(s) to say something and join in.

What you may not realise is that this unspoken rule is carried over to online posting in forums and online chats.
I had no idea I could chat-wrong!

If you have interesting posts to contribute in an online forum it may not be so bad, but just wait a time before your next post.

However in online chatrooms, people take turns making comments and they do this even if the chat is moving at 100kmh! One other thing to take into account is that Streamers often have a slowed down chat, so they can read every message. If you chat too frequently it may be at the very least annoying, even seen as spammy or attention seeking.

NT's have this as an inate ability, when others break these unspoken rules they won't likely see this as someone that does not have those skills (they assume everyone knows the rules) - so you may not get any constructive feedback.
You may get some irritated insinuation - which really doesn't identify the mistakes that you are making.