I do not know if my thoughts about this subject are to protect myself, but I don´t really believe in true friendships. For me, friendship is often associated with some form of control, often jealousy, misguidedness, misunderstanding, abuse of power and more. Often, the so-called friend is not there for really difficult times like
disease, joblessness, death, loniless - keeping themselves busy and absent is most likely. The sad thing is that many are not there when you have positive moments in life either, like a new good job, a new partner or anything. They are only there when it suits themselves and that could be about 2 years from now or tomorrow, you never know. The typical friend usually published in books or movies are someone I haven´t experienced myself, have you? (The one who REALLY listen and cares about you for REAL and ask because he or she REALLY wants to know, not because he or she should).
When I moved away from home, my then "best friend" was not excited for me at all.
Her interest in my own development was equal to zero and this goes on in several friendships which meant that I would adapt to their needs and lives, but never the other way around. I certainly had problems of being able to put words on things I feel in the moment face to face, but why should friends take advantage of that I can´t understand.
Why do most friendships consist of one who speaks and one who listens, why can´t both be this way?
Unfortunately, I see many friends as people who just want something from the other. I can never ask for the same thing in return either, then they will be absent, I have tried.
Am I alone with this thinking? Is it weird for me to just avoid friends all together. 
Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the city is forever