HistoryGal wrote:
It's not rude.....it's a much needed reality check for people that are stupid enough to vocalize in public that not only do they think such and such about their kids but want you to agree with them. Nowhere in the discourse was there a desired response of saying, "No, my kid is the best fill in the blank." People do this because of poor breeding.
Disclaimer - this isn't done by all or even most NTs. Just the ones that haven't left behind high school behavior.
To me, it's just fishing for compliments. A lot of people have kids for no other reason than they think they're supposed to or because they have to keep up with the crowd, and their kids are an extension of themselves. So when the kid accomplishes something, the parents expect some kind of congratulations as if they did it themselves. I just nod and smile and say "yep, he sure is great," and then roll my eyes while they're not looking.
That which does not kill us makes us stranger.