HistoryGal wrote:
I like reading articles online about autistic social skills learning.
This stood out to me. Don't overestimate an acquaintance's level of interest in bringing the relationship to a higher level. As two people are doing that delicate dance of getting to know each other, one of the parties can and often does have a change of mind. NTs know this instinctively and pick up on the hints. We however can be slow. Also we may mistake friendliness as a desire on the other's part for a friendship.
This is interesting and I would love to know how this hints look like. Is it two word-texts, no text, polite "see you when I see you" or how does it show? I am suspicious to new people or I feel often bored or like we have nothing in common. Unfortunately the one I do like often disappear or moves away.
Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the city is forever