Esmerelda Weatherwax wrote:
^^ Sounds like a compulsion to be snarky. Not much fun to be around.
Next time he pulls this, you might text him: Orlando, As You Like It, Act III, Scene II.
(The line is: "I do desire we may be better strangers." Let him look for it.)

Thank you I am always looking for comebacks for snide remarks like for supercilious and sneaky remarks from prideful people who seem to enjoy thinking they are superior to others. He is one of those people who seems to think that towards others on the spectrum because he connects with NTs better.
He also often boasts about how he didn't fit into this autism center where they were teaching social skills because all the other adults were lower functioning than him but that he seemed to get along with this young adult ministry where he's had no problem being the popular guy.
Finally, he has been known to act more condescending towards me in thinking it's okay to boss me around about my social skills.